Uh oh… Heather seems to be making some dubious assumptions here… Reference comic: Babynapping : Comic 602
744 : Always Nice to Have a Rich Family
780 : Milk Will Solve Her Problems
782 : Taking Down a Powerhouse
Sorry for the delay, folks. I got home from work super late today. EDIT: David’s speech was not supposed to be in the normal font, nor was her final speech bubble intended to look strange. This has now been corrected.
783 : It’s Hard to Feel Sorry for Him
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: There was a major typesetting error in the previous comic, which left David’s speech in the normal font, rather than the Siren font, as was intended. In addition, David’s last line, which looked weird, was not intentional. This[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Filler : Happy July!
There’s a bunch of national and international holidays in July: India has Doctors’ Day, July 1st (Finally a day to honor the Doctor ‘Who’) Canada has Canada Day, July 1st (That’s a creative holiday name, huh?) a number of countries[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
816 : Warning, Explosion Forthcoming!
817 : Put on Hold
Today marks the beginning of a short filler series for this week, as CD Rudd will be out of town until next Tuesday. We’ll be examining what would happen if certain things were just a bit different on SailorSun.org.
Sorry for the delayed post, folks! Since CD Rudd is out of town, here’s page 1 of a series of guest fillers, presented by myself, cherryblossomnix, and her artist friend!
Looks like Bay and Robyn’s relationship isn’t any better in What Ifs than it is in the main story. P.S. Sorry for the super late post, folks. Our method of communication went kaput, and we had to improvise something last[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry for the extreme delay on this one, folks. Nixia and my communication platform went down for almost a week, so we weren’t able to discuss this page until too late to get it up on time. We’re hoping that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
More communication problems once again massively delayed the release of this page. Sorry folks. But hey… does that last panel seem… familiar to anyone?
Sorry about this, folks. This page was supposed to go up right after the previous one in the gym, but I completely lost track of it. But hey, that means you get two pages today, so that’s good, right? Right??[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
863 : Too Much Info
864 : Database Error
Hey all… sorry this page is so late. That’s completely my fault. CD had this page done yesterday, but I totally forgot to edit and post it until just now. And unfortunately, there’s some other bad news. CD Rudd has[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Last Time, on SailorSun.org! Part 1
And we’re back! After such a long hiatus, CD figured that a few recap pages wouldn’t be amiss, especially since the story has been going for so very long already. So these pages will be going up while CD winds[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Last Time, on SailorSun.org! Part 4
I had the illustrious honor of choosing a title for today’s comic! Sadly, this was the best I could do.
896 : Bikini Debate
897 : Sneaky Deception
898 : Cliff Hanger!
899 : This Can’t be Good
900 : Temporary Visa
Ah, no wonder she’s been such a bitch… In case you missed it, there was a bonus filler comic yesterday! P.S. Sorry this comic came out late, folks! I accidentally set it to publish on Friday night, rather than[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
When you think about it, Jo’s decision to hand off Brady to Berry was probably the best thing she could have done under those circumstances. I mean, who better to hand off Bay’s alternate future daughter to than her alternate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
954 : The Secret of the Weight Machine
955 : Let the Name Hunt Begin!
Filler: Election 2016
Robert is a little tied up, so I am posting the filler. Hope I didn’t make any grammar mistakes on it. EDIT by Robert: I fixing the spelling mistakes.
New Years 2018
Happy New Years everyone! Looks like Bay’s gotten a bit too into the spirit of the holiday… somehow. And while CD shot down this idea when I asked him, it’s my headcanon that Ethan and Crystal haven’t swapped back yet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…