783 : It’s Hard to Feel Sorry for Him
There was a major typesetting error in the previous comic, which left David’s speech in the normal font, rather than the Siren font, as was intended. In addition, David’s last line, which looked weird, was not intentional. This has been fixed, but it was broken for a full day, so I felt it necessary to make this announcement.
This comic seems to be higher resolution than normal. 🙂 Readers who view the page at 100% scale might not notice, but I view it at 300% scale on my 4k TV :D, so I noticed right away.
Whoops! I uploaded the full resolution version by mistake. I’ll go fix that.
It was a mistake? Awww…
I guess “normal” resolution isn’t that bad, though.
Ok, she is complaining about the chest fondling when she herself wanted to keep kissing him? I sense a conflict of interest here….
I think she just got over the immediate high of her suduction, and is back to normal now. And normal David would definitely not like being groped by her girlfriend’s “dad”.
My God he has huge hands!
Heh, I said the same thing to CD. Maybe Bay just has a super tiny waist?
Yea but look what it covers in the first two panels. I couldn’t do that with both my hands!
Well, it looks like it turned out well for Bay, instead of her getting shocked by seeing David go all Siren on Marks.
Maybe the ‘after effects’ of the Siren’s kiss is that he’ll be incredibly ‘horny’.
The guys still asleep. Bay may end up having some of the best sex ever and this poor guy isn’t going to remember it.
Well, Bay seems to have fully accepted being female after all. Now if she can just his soul, or whatever, back to where it belongs, there can be that marriage thing happening.
There is no Brad left in Bay. I love how her eyes look in panel 7… shear bliss.