Archive for neko
Sorry bout the filler. I’m not feeling to well and haven’t been able to focus on the next story comic this evening.
Lately, pretty much all my energy and motivation has been drained from wanting to sit in front of the computer and rush out another comic. I’m not sure if it’s the recent bombard of Grammar Nazis I’ve seemed to attract[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ll be on vacation this week, and for once I’m not taking my laptop with me (Ipad yes, laptop no). So I won’t be able to make comics this week, and I’m not stressing out trying to make a buffer[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This weekend was a bit busy, plus I’ve had a little artistic block with the next comic, so I’m taking tonight off having some beer or wine and watch the last Torchwood episode this season as well as the most[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Aloha, Yep, you read right,’s company vacation/Xmas party is in Hawaii. The Kaua’i island to be precise. Now since Bay, Honey, Crystal, the Auction guy, David, and Neko are all fictional, it is safe to assume, this is REALLY[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I haven’t been feeling well the past couple of days. So instead of staying up late to finish the next comic I’m going to go to bed early. Next comic will update Friday evening, or Saturday morning. That is of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Filler : Back to work
Well, I’m back. While visiting my parents this weekend, I wanted to finish the next update comic, when I realized I didn’t have my panel and speech bubble file. So instead I created a filler. I doubt anyone would object[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
ACK! This isn’t a story comic!!! True, true… I was a bit busy and didn’t really have the time, energy, and desire to make the next story comic. So instead I thought I’d practice more with Adobe Photoshop and draw[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Was having some problems drawing the next comic, so I decided to give myself a break and experiment with making a filler instead.
This is either an ingenious tactic for creating suspense, a bold move covering up writer’s block, or a cleaver way to shift suspicion that I was too busy to make a comic this weekend. Mahahahahahaha…
Filler: Intern Intro
Hi guys, Robert here (aka coredumperror)! I’m pleased as punch to join CD on both and! I look forward to working with him to make the best comics on the web (at least, I think so!). Neko’s a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Everything’s going according to plan for Katy. Or is it?…! Either way, I can’t do anything to stop her while I’m tied up and gagged. (The previous comics to this storyline is here)
Will no one cut me down?! A Comic was posted Saturday If you didn’t see it, view previous or Click HERE -CD Rudd Links to the previous Katy and the Intern comics, The Intern’s Intro, Katy and the Intern[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, some of you might have noticed the lack of updates this week AND last week. Well, basically I’ve been busy at work. and I’ll probably will keep being busy till the end of the month. I will try to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Please be sure to read the post below this one, called “A little Foreshadowing”. It contains a very important announcement.
Comic-Con 2014 Filler
Neko was kind enough to give me Thom’s ticket, so both CD Rudd and I will be at San Diego Comic-Con all this week! With both of us busy at Comic-Con, we may not have time to put out any[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry for the delayed post, folks! Since CD Rudd is out of town, here’s page 1 of a series of guest fillers, presented by myself, cherryblossomnix, and her artist friend!
Filler : Neko Eye Candy
Sadly, I’ve been very busy all week and haven’t had much time to draw comics. I’ll try to get some done this weekend. In the meantime… Neko Eye Candy.
Lilly Filler 3
Lilly Filler 4
And so concludes Lilly’s introductory storyline. But stayed tooned for more bunnygirl hilarity in the future. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take, though…
Here we have some fun 3d fanart by WILL. I hope I find a way to diffuse this situation before CD Rudd gets back…
Th3go is back again with another fabulous fanart. Apparently “I” am a bit of a perv… 😉 And for those who are even pervier than me, here’s a NSFW nude version. And here’s a high res version of just Katy.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today you guys get a special treat! CD Rudd didn’t want to leave the 4th Wall filler story incomplete, so here’s part 5! No guarantees on when, or if, any more pages will be coming out, though. And in case[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…