Posts Tagged David
I’m sure you all remember Tom. One of the techs at HRC (Helix Registration Center). If you haven’t read the Helices story line (Story 4), you might want to go back to review it. It’s about to bite Tom in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
448 : The Truth Hurts
I tried a couple things I’m not a custom too on this comic. Like different angles and panel layouts. I think I still need to practice more. As for the comic, there is many people wondering why Honey hasn’t considered[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
449 : Crystal Knows
450 : Small Talk
If you recall during story 4, Crystal was able to talk while Honey happened to be in Crystal`s body. Crystal`s voice caused any men around her to be in a hypnotic trance, obsessed with her, obeying her every whim and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
468 : Not so immuned
477 : *muff
478 : Siren
479 : The Siren’s Song
I’m sure there’s going to be some Mythology buffs correcting me on David’s interpretation of the Sirens. Remember, it’s a brief overview and I’m not a expert.
Sorry bout the late post. I actually finished this comic last night, but just as I was about to save it. My computer froze. And surprise, surprise,I forgot to save the comic, ‘WHILE’ I was working on it.
490 : Freak out much?
Sorry about the comic delay. A lot going on at work this week. Also for a heads up, next week I’m going on a short vacation to Florida. There may be a couple lack missing updates next week.
492 : Answer time
498 : Vacuum Tube Tech
Tried to do a more cinematic effect on the first two panels of this comic. I don’t think it turned out too well.
499 : Thou are Clothed
Sorry all about the delay, between the holidays, work and getting I dream of a Jeanie bottle posted, it’s taken a while. There has also been some sketches posted on DA ya all might enjoy. Obviously I need to work[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, looks like David’s gotten himself… ah herself into a little trouble. So much for the not talking thing.
Alley cats always seem to vanish when you try to catch them (unless you have food). Not that I go around looking for Alley cats. It’s just an observation.
Time for some TLC?
What did you think was going to happen? (Crystal (in David’s body) getting into a fight.) It wasn’t established very well, but David and Crystal learnt that without ear plugs, Crystal (in David’s body) suffers the same effects every other[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry bout the delay.. Crystal, David, Ams and Cleo are all in there proper bodies. Now Ams and David just have to survive Crystal and Cleo.
Aloha, Yep, you read right,’s company vacation/Xmas party is in Hawaii. The Kaua’i island to be precise. Now since Bay, Honey, Crystal, the Auction guy, David, and Neko are all fictional, it is safe to assume, this is REALLY[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…