Archive for heather
560 : I have no sister
Last time we saw Bay’s twin sister, Heather was in Comic 189. Where we first learnt about Bay’s daughter (Honey’s younger self) Brady who is living with Heather and her adoptive parents. Reference Comics 230, 231, and 231
602 : Babynapping
737: 2 Bays + 2 Honeys = Reference Links
Well, if you’re a dedicated reader, you know who this is. For those who aren’t… (shame on you)! The ‘second bay’ is actually Heather. Bay’s long lost twin sister. Heather hasn’t made an actual appearance in a storyline yet. She’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
738 : You Think You’re Confused…
Sorry for the missed Update. I had some computer issues, plus a busy weekend. If you’re confused, don’t worry bout it. Explanation soon to come (at least, David hopes so).
Uh oh… Heather seems to be making some dubious assumptions here… Reference comic: Babynapping : Comic 602
744 : Always Nice to Have a Rich Family
754 : Awkward!
762 : The Path Not Taken
763 : Mixed Emotions
787 : Never Forget the Yada Yada
788 : Honey Can Be the New Barbie
Well, you know what they say: “Gentlemen prefer blondes.” Though I’m not sure how many Gentlemen tend to buy dolls, so that might be entirely irrelevant.
798 : Can We Say Suite…
Whoa, that’s a good apartment! As some of you may recall, Heather’s father is very wealthy, and purchased some local properties for her to manage.
809 : New Name for Bay
And we’re back! Sorry for the missed days, folks. CD and I have been especially busy at work this past week, and have been really exhausted after coming home.
825 : Bay and Torture!
Reference Comics, 787 : Never Forget the Yada Yada; 788 : Honey Can Be the New Barbie; 789 : Agent Wanted…; 790 : Well… umm… and… ah…; 811 : The World Stops Without Milk
836 : Morning, Morning
839 : Lying and Bay?
856 : He’s a Young CEO
BIG IMPORTANT NOTE! I screwed up, guys. I totally forgot to post comic 854 when I was uploading the huge batch of comics CD Rudd made before heading out on his current business trip. CD noticed my mistake, and I’ve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think this comic sets the record for the greatest number of different characters on the same page. Depending on whether you count Dawn and one or two characters, there are as many as eight here!
867 : Way Back in the Early Comics
Morgan Fayet considers herself to be Bay’s long time rival. If you click her Character portrait on the left, you’ll find the other pages she’s appeared in.
I like her hair that way. It’s cute! Reference for the “sailor outfit” that Honey, Bay, and their coworkers used to wear: