Archive for shaura
557 : Bay’s Fired Again
607 : Hence Talking
Last time we saw Bay and Honey’s Agent, Turt was way back in Story One. Something that wasn’t really explained well is that Bay and Honey have a single contact with Turt. This means when Bay gets acting work, Honey also has a part in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
648 : Hand full of butt
656 : Bikini Bay
Updates are a little wonky this week, and probably a part of next week. The reason? Well, I’ve been down in Florida since New years, and I have had little time to make comics. I will be back mid next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Last Time, on! Part 1
And we’re back! After such a long hiatus, CD figured that a few recap pages wouldn’t be amiss, especially since the story has been going for so very long already. So these pages will be going up while CD winds[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…