Everything’s going according to plan for Katy. Or is it?…! Either way, I can’t do anything to stop her while I’m tied up and gagged. (The previous comics to this storyline is here)
Posts Tagged Thom
Oh the humanity… Links to the previous Katy and the Intern comics, The Intern’s Intro, Katy and the Intern – Part I, Katy and the Intern – Part II, and Katy and the Intern – Part III
Will no one cut me down?! A SailorSun.org Comic was posted Saturday If you didn’t see it, view previous or Click HERE -CD Rudd Links to the previous Katy and the Intern comics, The Intern’s Intro, Katy and the Intern[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Comic-Con 2014 Filler
Neko was kind enough to give me Thom’s ticket, so both CD Rudd and I will be at San Diego Comic-Con all this week! With both of us busy at Comic-Con, we may not have time to put out any[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Neko Vegas Filler
Filler: Neko Returns 2
New Years 2018
Happy New Years everyone! Looks like Bay’s gotten a bit too into the spirit of the holiday… somehow. And while CD shot down this idea when I asked him, it’s my headcanon that Ethan and Crystal haven’t swapped back yet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…