Archive for ethan
694 : 3 inch Heels..Ouch
723 : Go <Insert Team Name Here>!
750 : Can’t You Just Hear Crystal Squeal?
752 : Out of One Frying Pan and Right into Another
Robert’s away, so you’re all stuck with me updating till he’s back. (I apologize for any grammar mistakes ahead of time) EDIT: Hey guys, Robert here. Sorry I disappeared for a bit, there. This week’s turning out to be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
753 : Someone Needs to Catch Up
Filler : The Process
Wow, what a long couple days. For the past couple days, every phone call I got was someone wanting me to help fix a broken <blank> or correct something someone else did or another some other helping job. The result,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
757 : Don’t Mess with My Ohms
758 : The Tables Have Turned
760 : Gotta be Careful Where You Put Things
761 : Does This Mean the Fishing Trip is Off?
764 : Is Pizza the Solution?
765 : Late Night Football Practice
766 : Gotta be Aware of Who’s Listening In
768 : Something Isn’t Right Here…
773 : This Might Be an Issue
829 : Someone Had an Interesting Night
845 : More Buzz Buzz!
I think this comic sets the record for the greatest number of different characters on the same page. Depending on whether you count Dawn and one or two characters, there are as many as eight here!
868 : Thieves are Picky
878 : Realization!
880 : A Well Used 1/12th of an Hour
Sorry for the late post, folks. I had a super tough day, and took an unintentional nap right after CD sent me the page.
Easter 2015 Bunny Filler
Ethan and David seem to be quaking in their boots at the thought of these outfits becoming public knowledge. 🙂 And since CD Rudd goes on hiatus next week, here’s a special treat: an 8x larger version of this filler![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
890 : Was This the Plan?
892 : Look Who’s Back
907 : Cliffhanger!
Poor Crystal! And its also the first comic staring David which isn’t tagged “Dawn” in almost 2 years! Poor Dawn… 🙁
915 : Keep Your Distance
916 : Birds and Bees
Sorry for the late post, folks. I completely lost track of time, and forgot to edit today’s page until just now. I’ll get the rest of this week’s pages done tomorrow night, so this won’t happen again.
917 : Who to Cheer For
For those who are fond of Honey’s new outfit, you should definitely check out the pinup that CD Rudd posted to his DA gallery.