Dawn is David with the Siren gene. It causes David to take on the appearance of an extremely attractive, green-haired woman, with all the abilities of a Siren.
Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
Sorry all. Between a busy work week, a LONG-Busy weekend and another busy work week. I haven't had the energy to make comics. Hopefully will get back to making comics soon.
Oh right I get it. She’s still technically ‘male’ remember? Physically she’s a Siren but biologically she registers as a healthy male according to Tom thus making her vulnerable to recordings of herself and, if my hypothesis is correct, the voice of other Sirens.
Which will be interesting when the other Sirens find her.
Arguable, but if that was the case i don’t get why Dawn/David hasn’t been affected by his own voice by now. Even an echo should affect him if any voice recording could do it. Besides Ethan definitely did something to alter his voice and that is much more likely to be the culprit. This is beginning to be a theme here, Ethan’s machines are bad news for all involved.
I kinda think that maybe Honey will want her David back before too long. I mean it may be fun having him be a her for a little while, but really I never got the feeling that she really swung that way. & how long before David/Dawn starts seeing guys as attractive? Which might mean that Dawn stops seeing Honey as an attraction… which could make/ruin a whole slew of jokes.
These last few pages look a lot cleaner (as in the characters’ appearance) and also seem to have more expression for them. Either CD has improved more or since I started Art class I’ve been seeing more.
He’s been doing them in batches lately (I actually uploaded all of this week’s pages to the site on last Sunday), so maybe that’s having an effect on the consistency?
I’m also doing minor cleanup on the art, in addition to text editing. But I’ve been doing that for quite a while, so that might not contribute to “these last few pages” being any different.
Probably it just comes down to CD getting better over time.
Something i’ve got to ask that’s been bugging me, are Sirens immortal (i.e. don’t age). The main reason i ask is Crystals “mom” doesn’t seem to have aged at all since she met up with a scientist in the 70’s. Also, while i guess you could kinda of excuse practicing with a staff, practicing with a sword and shield is ridiculous for practice to fight off some supposed male invasion of the Sirens island.
Yes, the Sirens are still basing their notions of defense on the assumption that the men will get within earshot (so that they can be commanded). Apparently the Sirens haven’t yet absorbed the idea that, when confronted with an enemy that can not be approached close-up, we now drop explosives and poison/knockout gas from above using aircraft or artillery that don’t need to get within several miles of the target. As a minimum, the Sirens probably need to invest in some good loudspeakers and radio equipment to broadcast their voices to anybody stupid enough to have their radios turned on.
Sword and shield practice is a good workout, but absolutely useless in modern warfare. It’s something to be expected on an isolated island. The Japanese isolated themselves and didn’t come out of isolation until the Americans came chugging into Yokohama harbor with steam engines and advanced weaponry. Only then did they see how far behind they were compared to the rest of the world.
well, this just got awkward…..
So apparently with this recorder, a Siren Voice can even command other Sirens? This may be useful when they have to confront Sapphire.
At least, as far as commands go, it’s a fairly innocuous one.
Oh right I get it. She’s still technically ‘male’ remember? Physically she’s a Siren but biologically she registers as a healthy male according to Tom thus making her vulnerable to recordings of herself and, if my hypothesis is correct, the voice of other Sirens.
Which will be interesting when the other Sirens find her.
Arguable, but if that was the case i don’t get why Dawn/David hasn’t been affected by his own voice by now. Even an echo should affect him if any voice recording could do it. Besides Ethan definitely did something to alter his voice and that is much more likely to be the culprit. This is beginning to be a theme here, Ethan’s machines are bad news for all involved.
it’s like, you can’t tickle yourself. same idea here, dawn/david’s own voice won’t affect him but alter it and it sounds like another siren
Threesomes can be fun. Trust me.
Not if Honey has anything to say about it!
I kinda think that maybe Honey will want her David back before too long. I mean it may be fun having him be a her for a little while, but really I never got the feeling that she really swung that way. & how long before David/Dawn starts seeing guys as attractive? Which might mean that Dawn stops seeing Honey as an attraction… which could make/ruin a whole slew of jokes.
These last few pages look a lot cleaner (as in the characters’ appearance) and also seem to have more expression for them. Either CD has improved more or since I started Art class I’ve been seeing more.
He’s been doing them in batches lately (I actually uploaded all of this week’s pages to the site on last Sunday), so maybe that’s having an effect on the consistency?
I’m also doing minor cleanup on the art, in addition to text editing. But I’ve been doing that for quite a while, so that might not contribute to “these last few pages” being any different.
Probably it just comes down to CD getting better over time.
So why exactly did he take the headphones off?
Gotta test it somehow!
Something i’ve got to ask that’s been bugging me, are Sirens immortal (i.e. don’t age). The main reason i ask is Crystals “mom” doesn’t seem to have aged at all since she met up with a scientist in the 70’s. Also, while i guess you could kinda of excuse practicing with a staff, practicing with a sword and shield is ridiculous for practice to fight off some supposed male invasion of the Sirens island.
Yes, the Sirens are still basing their notions of defense on the assumption that the men will get within earshot (so that they can be commanded). Apparently the Sirens haven’t yet absorbed the idea that, when confronted with an enemy that can not be approached close-up, we now drop explosives and poison/knockout gas from above using aircraft or artillery that don’t need to get within several miles of the target. As a minimum, the Sirens probably need to invest in some good loudspeakers and radio equipment to broadcast their voices to anybody stupid enough to have their radios turned on.
Sword and shield practice is a good workout, but absolutely useless in modern warfare. It’s something to be expected on an isolated island. The Japanese isolated themselves and didn’t come out of isolation until the Americans came chugging into Yokohama harbor with steam engines and advanced weaponry. Only then did they see how far behind they were compared to the rest of the world.
That’s why Japan invented Mechas!