Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
Also, since i t’s not any sort of active powered gizmo, there’s far less to go wrong–no batteries dying, no short circuits, no malfunctions. It’s only going to “fail” to physical damage or removal (or being forcibly pushed down on her neck).
“Chad” needs. . . a knee to the groin.
Choker, Huh? Seems some some one called it. wait it was me!
I’m really happy for you.
Also, since i t’s not any sort of active powered gizmo, there’s far less to go wrong–no batteries dying, no short circuits, no malfunctions. It’s only going to “fail” to physical damage or removal (or being forcibly pushed down on her neck).
How… can someone forget that?!? 😮
When you are wearing her body? And you’re a techno geek?
But it looks like the choker is working anyways. Now to see if the groin kick still works. 😀
hurray, crystal will finally get dialog.