Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
I’m going to guess at what happens. My guesses are (in order of what I think will happen):
1: Someone gets cloned/copied
2: They are fused into one being
3: They are digitized.
4: Someone becomes the copy of the other
5: Someone gets TG’ed
6: body swap
7: something else
8: someone becomes a tomato
Considering the themes of this comic, I’ll go with either they get TG’ed or body swapped. Though if body swapped they have recently come across an older device to switch back.
What is his super power going to be?
Depends on what the machine was going to do to that tomato.
Maybe Ethan thinks he’s “Jim Richardson.”
BTW that is a test of your google skills.
I guess you could say, “love hurts”
I hope no one can hear her squeal. That would cause, well, umm… Something bad and somewhat plot involved I’d guess
Stay tuned next time for when science goes awry!
He’s gonna be a killer tomato.
Good thing I’ve got a copy of “Puberty Love.”
:O This is cool and actually really unexpected.
I am thinking more of a Tron adventure perhaps.
Exactly my thoughts 🙂
I’m going to guess at what happens. My guesses are (in order of what I think will happen):
1: Someone gets cloned/copied
2: They are fused into one being
3: They are digitized.
4: Someone becomes the copy of the other
5: Someone gets TG’ed
6: body swap
7: something else
8: someone becomes a tomato
Place your bets now.
#7. I wanna make a bet that Ethan became something that “crunch”es easily.
No, the crunch was the machine becoming completely destroyed so they cannot reverse whatever just happened.
Considering the themes of this comic, I’ll go with either they get TG’ed or body swapped. Though if body swapped they have recently come across an older device to switch back.
Oh yeah! I think I’ve gone deaf.
75% chance boys will be girls if pass history is any indicator question is will they be in the matching pairs body.
100% if I’m there :p
I love Crystal so much.
Transference to a parallel world, possibly Honey’s (large or small’s) home dimension so she can see and compare.
Regardless of what happens next, that last panel “sounded” really expensive. :-0