620 : Who took my ball!
635 : Is Basketball a contact sport..
636 : Kissy face
637 : Love Hurts
Someone’s butt is playing music… Nah, just the cell phone ringing. Butt Music would be cool though (Probably smelly too). Finally got my computer fixed, so I’ll try to keep up with my updates dispite the lack of a buffer[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
720 : Saved by the Beep
721 : Flowers and Advice
723 : Go <Insert Team Name Here>!
729 : Jocks vs. Nerds
737: 2 Bays + 2 Honeys = Reference Links
Well, if you’re a dedicated reader, you know who this is. For those who aren’t… (shame on you)! The ‘second bay’ is actually Heather. Bay’s long lost twin sister. Heather hasn’t made an actual appearance in a storyline yet. She’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
738 : You Think You’re Confused…
Sorry for the missed Update. I had some computer issues, plus a busy weekend. If you’re confused, don’t worry bout it. Explanation soon to come (at least, David hopes so).
741 : Processing Break Time!
749 : Pretty Girls Will Do That to You
750 : Can’t You Just Hear Crystal Squeal?
752 : Out of One Frying Pan and Right into Another
Robert’s away, so you’re all stuck with me updating till he’s back. (I apologize for any grammar mistakes ahead of time) EDIT: Hey guys, Robert here. Sorry I disappeared for a bit, there. This week’s turning out to be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…