747 : Don’t Want to Catch that Nerd Bug Sep18 by Robert on September 18, 2013 at 12:00 am Chapter: Story 10 : Here and AfterCharacters: David └ Tags: David
Fear the future jocks for the geeks and the nerds will rule the world.
One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
Needs more commas.
Ha stereotype jock characters… Yeah at my school those stereotypes are mostly true. My generation is doing a terrible job at proving themselves.
I know… what the hell s up with the anti-intellectualism that pervades “jock culture”? Heck, most culture.
In my headcanon, the redhead is the high school girl Jeanie transformed in her comic.
You might be more right than you know. She does closely resemble a certain JB character, after all.
Naw, his/her hair was more pinkish. Though it would be funny if true.
I wanna see more of that red head please.
Well, time for me to turn the bald one into a a geek girl