479 : The Siren’s Song
I’m sure there’s going to be some Mythology buffs correcting me on David’s interpretation of the Sirens.
Remember, it’s a brief overview and I’m not a expert.
I’m sure there’s going to be some Mythology buffs correcting me on David’s interpretation of the Sirens.
Remember, it’s a brief overview and I’m not a expert.
Where’s the anaonymous dork complaining about wrong words in *this* strip?
Gee, I didn’t know the likes of Fatuncle got under your skin…
Nah – i was talking about the jerk complaining about the author’s dyslexia over at “I Fream of a Jeannie Bottle”…
Don’t worry they will soon descend upon us like unto a pack of vultures before long. They are attracted to the scents given off by a misused homonym or other grammar error.
Well, I must say, the comic is enjoyable, even with a few spelling and grammar errors. Even an idiot knows what is meant, and only a bigger idiot complains about it when they CHOSE to come to this site, CHOSE to read it, and CHOSE to keep reading it after they get annoyed by the errors. I’m just glad there’s another free webcomic to waste away my time reading. Keep it up, and to heck with the trolls!
And now to be a helpful grammar nut…all instances of “there” are incorrect, instead it should be “their”.
But you’ll never catch me complaining, no sirree. Calsan, I agree wholeheartedly and almost said something similar except I was worried I’d feed the troll. Thanks for saying it.
Right. The author of another of my favourite webcomics – “The Devil’s Panties” – is also somewhat dyslexic; i usually quietly ignore her slips when the meaning is clear.
She used to have a “fuck off and die twice”-style rant posted on her site for people who complain about her spelling/word choice; after her second site redesign recently, she seems to have removed it. Too bad – i was gonna direct the jerk over at “Jeannie” to it.
It all makes perfect sense now! Of course guys would go nuts for her when she talked to them if she was a SIREN!
There’s many interpretations of sirens, and CD’s got it right for the most part. Others include them being hideos bird-like creatures that feasted on the sailors who swam to see the singers. But this is much more plausible.
Okay, NOT faulting you on this – as you said, you’re not an expert, and this is a comic so you can do as you will…but… um… Sirens are either bird women, or mermaids, as a rule. They don’t appear like humans. *Shrugs* of course, what’s the fun if you can’t rewrite things a little? 😛 (Pointing out more for the spread of knowledge than anything else. 🙂 )
And then the Siren would chow down.