Ams is an alternate future version of Teri. He is from the same timeline as Honey. Ams cosiders himself a cat-cassanova and often spends time in that pursuit.
Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
Well, that is one, satisfying, way to make him/her shut up :p
No way it isn’t a handicap you distract the people by pulling your top up.
What are you talking about? You’ve got two balls to play with right there!
Switching bodies with someone and then making out with them would be extremely hot.
Or maybe I’m just a narcissist.
It’s a bit more disturbing if they end up being related to each other somehow, like the infamous kiss scene in The Empire Strikes Back.
love your comics, speaking of fight scenes that hold interest, check out
Nice, didn’t see that one coming.. ^^;