Ams is an alternate future version of Teri. He is from the same timeline as Honey. Ams cosiders himself a cat-cassanova and often spends time in that pursuit.
Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
You know that is 1960 technology, I would think somebody could look at that machine and reengineer it using 21th century tech. Of course it is quite possible that Chrystal and Dave do not know anybody who knows how to do it or has the resources to do it with.
You know that is 1960 technology, I would think somebody could look at that machine and reengineer it using 21th century tech. Of course it is quite possible that Chrystal and Dave do not know anybody who knows how to do it or has the resources to do it with.
Dunno. Might be possible, but i wouldn’t want to wait for someone to reverse-engineer it that way.
for someone that shouldn’t be talking David sure talks a lot. plus why don’t they just get the guy that lent it to them to them fix it?
Well, there aren’t any males around to be affected…
I suppose even a string of handouts gets old after a while.