Bay Smith is a main character. Once a guy, she was turned into a girl several years ago. She keeps this fact a secret, and only a handful of people know.
She's now a struggling actress whose roommate is actually her daughter from an alternate future timeline.
Brady is the younger version of Honey. She is also an alternate time traveling daughter of Bay.
She lives with Heather (Bay's sister) and her (adopted) parents in Buffalo, NY.
@ai_vin: Taking a belief seriously does not make one a nut. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a religious belief or something else. Remember that we have no context behind Bay’s comment – it could simply be the disdain felt by someone who doesn’t go in for religion for those who do.
@Daeldalus: I doubt this is an attempt at conversion. More likely, Heather got annoyed at Bay’s comment about being a religious nut and decided that she needed to go and actually see what went on at church. In short, I suspect this might be the equivalent of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes so you understand them better.
Except that we have the context of additional snide comments like her implying Bay would be going to hell if she didn’t go to church in this instance, which seems like emotional blackmail at best.
I would be nice to your bible nut sister since she just got you a high end rent free apartment and the prospect for staying were you are at is so very low.
Ah, yes, the ‘deal’ wherein Heather tried to guilt trip Bay into going to church, wherein Honey walked in and gave Bay the opportunity to avoid answering, and Heather chose to take it as a yes. Never mind that Bay never actually agreed to anything.
…is this really how we come across to other people? We’re only worried about your eternity, judging by the comments you’d think we were some sort of horrible monster. If you really hate church, we aren’t gonna drag you there, but we are gonna invite you at every opportunity.
> …is this really how we come across to other people?
Unfortunately, yes. Primarily because the most obnoxious religious folks are also the loudest. It doesn’t help your cause that rationality is getting stronger and more widespread as the years pass. Blind faith is not a virtue any more, it’s a flaw.
It doesn’t look great, but that’s mostly because we’re so much better connected than we were even just a decade ago. It’s easier to see the stupid. But the numbers show that it’s actually getting less and less prevalent as time goes on.
Well… there’s also the actions of some religious folks who feel they have the authority to dictate how people should act on this plane of existence, even going so far as to try to lobby those views into law…
The anti-gay sections of the church don’t exactly paint the rest of you in the best of lights is all I’m saying.
Well I’m not commenting about ‘that’ because I’ve seen bra-less women in wet T-shirts before and the lack of realistic details here is. . . underwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disappointed (Robert, please don’t think I’m being critical of your work), it’s just that I came here KNOWING this was a family-ish comic so I wasn’t expecting anything NSFW.
Religion is a hot topic those that are religious have strong feelings about it and some of those that are not also do. I think Bay looks great in this comic. Also i don’t think many women were a bra to bed.
It mostly comes down to two sides. The overly-religious fundamentalists that think the only thing that really matters in life is avoiding hell and using fear tactics to get people to convert (which “conversions” don’t last for long), and the overly-non religious atheists that think that anyone even slightly religious is a fool that is wasting his or her life. Personally, I can’t stand either, and this is despite (trying) being religious myself. I’ve had enough of everyone telling me what I should do and believe without actually giving a damn themselves.
The problem with telling non-believers that they are going to hell is that the non-believers don’t believe that they are going to hell, and simply telling them that they are going there will do nothing towards convincing them. Being told that they are going to be sent to a place that they believe doesn’t exist is as crazy to their point-of-view as being told that an invisible purple tiger will eat them. You must first convince an unbeliever that your religious paradigm is true BEFORE you can use threats based upon that paradigm as motivators.
Also, telling a person, especially your own family, that they are going to hell sounds to that person like you are saying “I think you deserve to go to hell”–i.e. “I think that you deserve the most horrible suffering imaginable”. Not exactly a statement of love, eh?
Technically saying “I think you’re going to go to hell.” can be the same as saying “I think you’re making a poor financial choice.” or “I think you’re making a poor relationship choice.” etc. For many, they just want you not to make a bad choice so they’re warning you. That’s at least what motivates some religious people, but not all…
But you are correct on your first point. You first have to convince somebody that your religion is true, or at least has a reasonable possibility of being true, before you start trying to convince them the wrongs of their ways. (Alternatively, if you have good logic-based arguments to convince someone the wrongs of their ways first, you might be able to then show them how that aligns with your religion afterward.)
It’s a touchy subject. I just had an argument last night with my mom over it. I believe there is something out there greater than us, and I tend to believe it is a God or advanced spiritual being. But I don’t claim to understand his nature or what he really wants because anyone can claim to have spoken with gods, spirits, demons, aliens or whatever else. So… I think it’s possible to be a believer, but not be religious.
Saying that it “mostly comes down to two sides” is falling into precisely the same trap that you lament, painting the majority of both sides as irrational extremists.
I’m atheist myself, and I manage to coexist peacefully with some religious people, including my own mother while disagreeing with them.
I do however have no patience for loons no matter what side they’re aligned with.
For some reason that last panel makes me wonder who would be erased if Honey and Brady were to get too close to a time portal.
Would it be Honey because she is older?
Would it be Brady, because she enter the timeline first?
Would they fuse or both get erased?
Or would something else happen?
Oh. It’s one of THOSE churches.
Goody, more holier-than-thou tripe from the bible nut that lacks the self-awareness to accept that they are a bible nut.
Actually, she isn’t a Bible nut. What she is, is someone who takes her religious belief seriously.
I agree with the “holier than thou tripe” part, though.
Anyone who take “religious belief seriously” IS a nut.
She’s a nut because she tries to force it on others, end of story.
My mother is protestant, I am atheist and we agree to disagree, neither of us trying to convert the other.
@ai_vin: Taking a belief seriously does not make one a nut. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a religious belief or something else. Remember that we have no context behind Bay’s comment – it could simply be the disdain felt by someone who doesn’t go in for religion for those who do.
@Daeldalus: I doubt this is an attempt at conversion. More likely, Heather got annoyed at Bay’s comment about being a religious nut and decided that she needed to go and actually see what went on at church. In short, I suspect this might be the equivalent of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes so you understand them better.
Except that we have the context of additional snide comments like her implying Bay would be going to hell if she didn’t go to church in this instance, which seems like emotional blackmail at best.
I would be nice to your bible nut sister since she just got you a high end rent free apartment and the prospect for staying were you are at is so very low.
Ah, yes, the ‘deal’ wherein Heather tried to guilt trip Bay into going to church, wherein Honey walked in and gave Bay the opportunity to avoid answering, and Heather chose to take it as a yes. Never mind that Bay never actually agreed to anything.
Ah, right. I was trying to figure out what “deal” Heather was talking about.
Bay need not worry about going to hell. No. Such. Place. Period!
There totally is such a place. I think it’s in Michigan.
Wouldn’t that mean Rick Snyder is the Devil?
Actually, it’s in Norway.
It freezes over a lot, i believe.
What makes you so sure?
She’s going to be sucked into another dimension where time flows much faster?
The donation image IS AWESOME!
Isn’t it, though?? 😉
Must be a very, very, nice, warm, fall day.
Honey and Crystal in their birthday suits. I’ll buy that image anyday.
…is this really how we come across to other people? We’re only worried about your eternity, judging by the comments you’d think we were some sort of horrible monster. If you really hate church, we aren’t gonna drag you there, but we are gonna invite you at every opportunity.
> …is this really how we come across to other people?
Unfortunately, yes. Primarily because the most obnoxious religious folks are also the loudest. It doesn’t help your cause that rationality is getting stronger and more widespread as the years pass. Blind faith is not a virtue any more, it’s a flaw.
I dunno… looking at people today… I think humanity is as dumb and irrational as ever! lol
It doesn’t look great, but that’s mostly because we’re so much better connected than we were even just a decade ago. It’s easier to see the stupid. But the numbers show that it’s actually getting less and less prevalent as time goes on.
I’m fairly hopeful, at least.
Hopeful that religion goes down or stupidity goes down?
Both. But that’s doesn’t mean that I conflate religiosity with stupidity. It’s that religious people are *irrational*.
Well… there’s also the actions of some religious folks who feel they have the authority to dictate how people should act on this plane of existence, even going so far as to try to lobby those views into law…
The anti-gay sections of the church don’t exactly paint the rest of you in the best of lights is all I’m saying.
I’m a little surprised too. More so the religious opinions topping the chat and not the fact that Bay is wet and bra-less…
Well I’m not commenting about ‘that’ because I’ve seen bra-less women in wet T-shirts before and the lack of realistic details here is. . . underwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disappointed (Robert, please don’t think I’m being critical of your work), it’s just that I came here KNOWING this was a family-ish comic so I wasn’t expecting anything NSFW.
CD’s the one who draws the comic. I just edit the text and post the pages to the website.
Religion is a hot topic those that are religious have strong feelings about it and some of those that are not also do. I think Bay looks great in this comic. Also i don’t think many women were a bra to bed.
It mostly comes down to two sides. The overly-religious fundamentalists that think the only thing that really matters in life is avoiding hell and using fear tactics to get people to convert (which “conversions” don’t last for long), and the overly-non religious atheists that think that anyone even slightly religious is a fool that is wasting his or her life. Personally, I can’t stand either, and this is despite (trying) being religious myself. I’ve had enough of everyone telling me what I should do and believe without actually giving a damn themselves.
The problem with telling non-believers that they are going to hell is that the non-believers don’t believe that they are going to hell, and simply telling them that they are going there will do nothing towards convincing them. Being told that they are going to be sent to a place that they believe doesn’t exist is as crazy to their point-of-view as being told that an invisible purple tiger will eat them. You must first convince an unbeliever that your religious paradigm is true BEFORE you can use threats based upon that paradigm as motivators.
Also, telling a person, especially your own family, that they are going to hell sounds to that person like you are saying “I think you deserve to go to hell”–i.e. “I think that you deserve the most horrible suffering imaginable”. Not exactly a statement of love, eh?
Technically saying “I think you’re going to go to hell.” can be the same as saying “I think you’re making a poor financial choice.” or “I think you’re making a poor relationship choice.” etc. For many, they just want you not to make a bad choice so they’re warning you. That’s at least what motivates some religious people, but not all…
But you are correct on your first point. You first have to convince somebody that your religion is true, or at least has a reasonable possibility of being true, before you start trying to convince them the wrongs of their ways. (Alternatively, if you have good logic-based arguments to convince someone the wrongs of their ways first, you might be able to then show them how that aligns with your religion afterward.)
It’s a touchy subject. I just had an argument last night with my mom over it. I believe there is something out there greater than us, and I tend to believe it is a God or advanced spiritual being. But I don’t claim to understand his nature or what he really wants because anyone can claim to have spoken with gods, spirits, demons, aliens or whatever else. So… I think it’s possible to be a believer, but not be religious.
Saying that it “mostly comes down to two sides” is falling into precisely the same trap that you lament, painting the majority of both sides as irrational extremists.
I’m atheist myself, and I manage to coexist peacefully with some religious people, including my own mother while disagreeing with them.
I do however have no patience for loons no matter what side they’re aligned with.
“religious paradigm is true”. Since this is impossible to prove, you’ve got a hard job ahead of you.
Throwing water at someone to wake them up is not cool, Heather. Plus, it just wastes time since someone needs to dry the sheets afterwards.
I haven’t been to church in a long time since it can be so very dull, and can be even longer than an hour sometimes.
For some reason that last panel makes me wonder who would be erased if Honey and Brady were to get too close to a time portal.
Would it be Honey because she is older?
Would it be Brady, because she enter the timeline first?
Would they fuse or both get erased?
Or would something else happen?
How very Time Cop
Don’t think it will be an issue. Considering Berry distroyed the portal.