Posts Tagged Mary
Canadians are nice
It’s been a while since we’ve seen the pushy airport shop owner helping Honey out, 501 : Pushy Map sales Person to the rescue, 502 : Traumatized is more common now-er-days, 503 : Canadian’s are nice This is one of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1208 : Family Dynamic
1209 : Check Your ID
1210 : Family Hug
Those quotes that Honey and her grandmother are bandying about are, in fact, real quotes! 🙂 George Eliot quote: (about 1/3 down the page) Beryl Markham quote:
1219 : Ever Wonder Where Steve Went?
Oh hey, it looks like Steve survived his mob troubles. That’s great! We’re gettin’ real close to the end here, folks… 🙂
1220 : Time to Bay Attention!
And the longest running dangling plot thread is finally resolved! I finally understand why he prefers to go by his nickname…
Well folks, that’s all she wrote. This is the happy ending of We can all get off this roller coaster. 🙂 But not quite yet! There are a number of Epilogue pages coming up (starting Friday), to tie off[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…