1220 : Time to Bay Attention!
And the longest running dangling plot thread is finally resolved! I finally understand why he prefers to go by his nickname…
And the longest running dangling plot thread is finally resolved! I finally understand why he prefers to go by his nickname…
Jeeves, huh? I guess she could always call him Frank . . .
My gosh! The worst part is that while NotShuttingUp and I were raising one another to post our crazy theory of “Barry”, I read his theory one Jeeves and thought it was to absurd to be true… I am actually too amuse to be mad at this.
Also, in which page did Honey mention it? I remember that he comment it was Honey who told us the name.
She mentions to another character (Berry, perhaps?) that she’d spoken to him over the phone about the wedding preparations. I don’t recall which page that was on, though.
Here’s the actual page, for everyone’s reference:
I saw that name, didn’t recognize it from any previous name drops for characters or businesses in the past, and figured it just might be significant. I had to look it up though, to make sure it wasn’t a major business in Canada or the Eastern U.S. that I wasn’t aware of. lol
F%$&$%! Now I remember! I remember when I read that name and the fraction of a second where I question what she was talking about! Heck, I even remember checking the comments to see if anybody knew! Just to discard it later and never thought of it again!
Congratulations NotShuttingUP, you actually look where I never thought of looking, one single conversation in the middle of the longest chapter! I even made zoom in the name tags at the gym XD
@Carlos Longest chapter is right. This chapter is longer than the rest of the comic put together.
Yeah… CD may have mentioned to me once that he started Chapter 10 waaayyy too early.
Well, not Chapter 10 per se, but the “Wedding Chapter”. After all, anything that took the place of Chapter 10 would invaribly have been chapter 10. 😛
Honestly, this needed to be broken up a bit into it’s various side arcs, especially since the “Siren Invasion” storyline wasn’t even introduced until this chapter.
Heh, when I read that I thought she meant the caterer, or the clergy person.
Well done CD, Well done, indeed!
Yeah, I actually did similar things. Tried to zoom in on small text, or spot clues in the background or whatnot. Ultimately, since nobody else seemed to be finding anything definitive by checking the tags, I concluded I needed to reread *everything*, just to be sure.
Even then, I still suspected someone else had beaten me too it, since I was a latecomer to that name-guessing contest.
And about the chapter bit, yes it is indeed a long chapter. When I reached it during my read-through, I was like “Wait, isn’t this the final chapter? How’d I get her so fast!?”
Where was that name hinted at? Part of the contest said it was referenced in some fashion earlier in the story, and now that we know the name, I would like to find the reference. Robert? NotShuttingUp? Anybody?
See my comment reply to Carlos above.
Cool. Thanks.
What does it say in the third panel underneath Bay’s monologue?
So we finally learn his name, its not bad. ^^
Are you going to show the wedding reception afterward? Or is that going to be an epilogue page?
The text hidden by Bay’s thoughts is your bog standard wedding vow stuff from the presiding minister, or whoever it is who says that stuff (I don’t know much about weddings). “And do you, Bay Smith, take Jeeves Marks as your lawfully wedding husband, etc. etc.”
So, funny thing, I wasn’t entirely sure myself which of my theories was correct until just now. I had suggested both Jeeves and Barry, but CD only told me I guessed right, not which guess was right! lol
I think keeping you in the dark about which of your answers was right was my suggestion. 🙂
I wasn’t authorized to have that information disclosed to me yet, evidently. lol
might as well call him THE SHADOW or something. WHO KNOWS WHAT AUCTION GUY NAME REALLY IS. reading the comments where is Jeeves mentioned?
Maybe you should…
*Ask Jeeves*
Panel two. the background text that Bay really isn’t listening to.
Bay.. for 5 minutes, could your mind just shut up.. FOR 5 MINUTES?!?!?!
One mystery solved.
Ok, now that the shock for “Jeeves” is over, I have to ask, in regards Bay’s thoughts in the second panel… Is CD being ironic?
Also, even if I feel bad for her, embarrassed Bay is really cute, heck, blushing Bay in general is really cute.
It’s safe to say, she’s had sometime to reflect and get excited over the possibility.
And, after all this time . . . . Bay still doesn’t know his name. How long can she keep this up?
A good question!
Auction Guy still has to sign the marriage certificate. Bay can read his name then.
“Jeeves?” “Family name. We also loved Wodehouse too much.”
When I learned his name, I immediately asked CD, “Then who’s Wooster?” 🙂
It’s either your Woostershire sauce, the chicken’s Wooster, or Punky Wooster. So, third option, ain’t it?
.. It’s the end of the comic; I need to pull all the stops.