1166 : Heels on Grass Suck
Oooo, I was hoping this would happen! Recall that when last we saw them, Crystal and Ethan were body-swapped, without any memory of why or how it had happened. It looks like they didn’t find a way to swap back in time for the ceremony.
The wedding will be so much more fun this way. 🙂
It definitely looks like the next comic will be very awkward for David and Ethan…
I assume their going to try and switch back after the ceremony, right?
Ethan and Crystal still swapped!! This should be rather fun. Can’t wait for the next page. Oh CdRudd or Robert, whoever answers first, Will Crystal ever speak again, but this time with the siren gene? Also, How do you feel about this long running series coming closer and closer to the end, CdRudd?
I don’t know the answers to either of those questions, so I’ll leave it up to CD.
Nice cannabis leaf dress.
Hah, I didn’t look closely enough, even while editing the page, to notice that. lol
This must be on the West Coast…
Well, the webcomics studios do seem to be an offshoot of Hollywood . . .
Typo in first panel:
Bay: Not like I’m get (getting) married or anything…
lol wow, I totally read it as “getting” every single time I looked at that line. I subconsciously knew that something was wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Hope Ethan can control her powers this time…
He did seem to have some sort of control over it last time. His regular speech didn’t siren-whammy David, but he also managed to intentionally implant a specific command.
like the hate salon comment and heels in grass joke. when clicking on the link about when group was last seen wasn’t under the impression of body swap.
That has got to be the shortest dress I have ever seen. Do not bend over in it.
Well, Crystal does like to show off a bit. 🙂
I am the only one who doesn’t like too much music in a movie scene, cuz that’s kinda distracting. my fave movie is Mission impossible Ghost Protocal take a look a the tension when the main character (Ethan) was struggling above the Burj khalifa building minimal music but impact is huge tense during the scene
After Leena pointed out the cannabis pattern on the dress I thought Crystal might have gone retro 70s with a micro-mini dress with matching hot pants. Oh Robert you don’t know what you missed in the 70s.
I’ve seen a few examples of 70s fashion, and it doesn’t really appeal to me that much. Even the very short skirts aren’t really to my taste, since skin-tight skirts don’t seem to have really become a thing until the 80s.
While it may look like pot leaves, more likely it’s a bamboo leaf pattern, in keeping with the asian style of the dress.
I’m pretty sure those are either pantyhose or tights due to how the different shading covers her legs down to her feet, and that CD has done this before with Bay and other girls; for example, the recent bachelorette party.
Oh yes, those are definitely nude hose. Crystal is just especially pale, so they seem darker than average in comparison.
Did Bay get a haircut or is her hair just pinned up for the makeup.
Why is David surprised? David heard “Crystal” say “Why am I in Crystal’s body” in literally the next panel after Dawnie’s memory wipe.
He was likely distracted by the command that Ethan had given him to smpack Honey’s butt. Failing to store long-term memories of something clearly in earshot is quite common if you’re not paying attention to it.
Quite likely even without siren zapping.
I wonder how long Dawnie’s memory erasures will last. This seems much closer to the reprogramming that Tom was doing than the regular siren powers because Dawnie is making the others forget things that happened before Dawnie used her siren voice.
It is nice to see both your eyes, Bay
Lol ethans been TGd enough that she knows how to walk in heels. Can we get dawn too please haha
No wednesday comic? I don’t mean to rush you, but usually there’s an explanation (or excuse, if you prefer to call it that) for a missed comic either in the description or in the comments, and I can’t find one this time.