Congratulations to reader NotShuttingUp for guessing AG’s name correctly! Here’s your 4th-wall-breaking cameo. 🙂
And yes, his name will be revealed in the comic itself. Just not today. Please don’t spoil it.
Congratulations to reader NotShuttingUp for guessing AG’s name correctly! Here’s your 4th-wall-breaking cameo. 🙂
And yes, his name will be revealed in the comic itself. Just not today. Please don’t spoil it.
So when his name is finally revealed, are you going to update his picture and tag with his actual name?
I would prefer if they don’t, let the future readers suffer the same as we did
Too true. Plus, there are jokes that don’t work if you know AG’s name beforehand.
AG’s name will turn out to be a real surprise to all, as I’m betting his first name is Auction making it a joke on all the readers to date.
No, because it’s a long-running meta-narrative that involves both Bay and the audience. Spoiling his name in his Character entry would ruin that for new readers.
as long as it’s not Cosmo.
What if he’s the last of the male Kramers, though?
Funniest part of this to me is the fact that I did not have a smart phone at the time I guessed the name. I do now, but I’ve only had it a few weeks.
Also full disclosure, I’m a dude… but I seriously don’t believe I’d stay that way long in any of CD’s universes, if you catch my drift. It’s an inhospitable place for guys… Unless you’re Robert. He seems totally immune to TGs of all kinds.
You know, I was wondering if you’d turn out to be a guy or a gal IRL. I didn’t find out you were the official winner until after seeing this page, so I was left pondering, “Huh, I wonder who this cute young lady is…” 🙂
And yeah, I DO seem bizarrely immune to the usal TG antics around these parts. Many a bet has already been lost over the date of my first Ka-Girling.
I’ve seen your Deviant tag, you’re only immune to CD’s transformation weirdness.
What do you mean by that Lioconvey?
They mean that Robert better not go visit Anne Onymous or one of the other TG strips anytime soon.
Don’t worry, Robert. Your time will come, I suspect.
CD will get you sooner or later, Robert… but you have a ways to go to catch up to me. This isn’t even my first time getting TG’d by CD! lol
I think this is actually my… third?
@NotShuttingUp – were the other times in one of the comics or on DeviantArt?
@He Who Abides
On DeviantArt. I was also the main character in the TG Grenades series, which I won from a contest on JeanieBottle. That was under a different DevArt account though.
@NotShuttingUp – I read those. Were you the guy/girl who orders the stupid things in the first place (in the red shirt, as I recall)?
@He Who Abides
Yeah, that would be me. The other two in there are my friends (probably the same two I’d be messaging in the above). I was technically only supposed to get one comic with the whole TG Grenades deal, but CD just kept rolling with it, probably because of how popular it was. I mainly like the first two in that series though.
@NotShuttingUp – how many were there? I remember the first one (in which you use multiple grenades without reading the instructions), the cosplay one (grenades to get into a convention for free as cosplaying girls), and the VR one (two of you get stuck as Honey and Bay). Were there more, and I just missed them?
@He Who Abides
Oh, no that was it. There were three “arcs” with two comics pages in each. When I say “first two”, I mean the two pages in the first arc, with just the grenades. I didn’t care as much for the cosplay or VR ones, since I felt they were a lot more out-of-character for me.
@NotShuttingUp – I reread those after our discussion. You were . .
quite fond of throwing potential explosives at your friends/feet, weren’t you? I suspect your two buddies used a TG grenade or five on you before the wedding, just for a little payback.
@He Who Abides
I won’t take credit for any of the actual actions or dialogue in those comics (or this one) since CD did all that, I merely supplied likeness and description.
Though I will say… tossing around explosives (and to a lesser degree, TG weaponry [what? real explosives are far safer]) is or was a common sight in our chat server. So in that regard, he was spot on!
Also, yeah… It’s kind of my head-canon that the TG Grenades takes place in the SailorSun universe, and somewhere along the line after those comics I got TG’d for the long-term before my cameo here. It kind of makes sense in a way, TG Grenades existing in a world with TG Guns.
You all talk as if Robert got an easy deal, but least not forget that the price he paid was working with the Neko family!
Well done and congrats on winning. ^_^
Thanks man!
Took re-reading the whole comic to pull it off! But it worked!