Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
Dawn is David with the Siren gene. It causes David to take on the appearance of an extremely attractive, green-haired woman, with all the abilities of a Siren.
I’ll admit… editing these has not been easy. I had to recreate page 3 entirely from scratch, in fact. So I’m not surprised I missed something. I’ll fix it ASAP.
Honestly just realized that the three from The Wotch are in the top image. I guess I read that comic between now and the last time I saw the picture. Also read Cheer! but I know for certain I didn’t know about them yet.
I read through the entirety of the comic back in 2013 after finding the first few pages of IDoaJB on your DA, it was in the middle of summer and I had little to do so I was able to dedicate a day to reading comics.
So according to the sidebar, David has now been Dawn for exactly one quarter of his/her appearances.
(Pretty sure the count is missing some early male appearances, but still… wow. Might be time to TG him on the banner, at least.)
If you’d picked up one of the recent donation images, you’d have seen a hint about why it wouldn’t necessarily be appropriate to TG him in the banner.
The Christmas one? I loved that one, it was the first donation image a was able to get.
YEA! Someone liked it!

For those who have no idea what’s being referred too. They are talking about this Donation image
Robert, in the very last sentence, “there” should be “their”.
I’ll admit… editing these has not been easy. I had to recreate page 3 entirely from scratch, in fact. So I’m not surprised I missed something. I’ll fix it ASAP.
Honestly just realized that the three from The Wotch are in the top image. I guess I read that comic between now and the last time I saw the picture. Also read Cheer! but I know for certain I didn’t know about them yet.
That image is from one of the first comics for this story… Why back in 2012
Reference comic, 603 : Party time
I read through the entirety of the comic back in 2013 after finding the first few pages of IDoaJB on your DA, it was in the middle of summer and I had little to do so I was able to dedicate a day to reading comics.