Neko is CD Rudd's 2nd in command at the Studio. She looks after all the behind the scenes stuff, is the go-to face for fillers, makes the coffee, and manages the intern.
Quick, take full advantage of your teenage metabolisms while you can. Mint chocolate chip catnip ice cream sunday’s for all! Technically they’re both under age, so hold the catnip.
I see the de-aging ray abuse escalating very quickly.
Is that Robin’s shirt from The Wotch?
It is!
I haven’t read that webcomic in years, and yet I almost immediately recognized that knight helmet on a black shirt.
You also probably saw it last week, during that shoot for The Wotch in Sonja’s flashback.
You were asking for it.
Only thing more fun than catgirls is kittengirls.
Quick, take full advantage of your teenage metabolisms while you can. Mint chocolate chip catnip ice cream sunday’s for all! Technically they’re both under age, so hold the catnip.
Well catnip is technically in the mint family