Brady is the younger version of Honey. She is also an alternate time traveling daughter of Bay.
She lives with Heather (Bay's sister) and her (adopted) parents in Buffalo, NY.
Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
Well, with Crystal and Ethan wrapped up in Tom’s evil scheme, and Heather and Dawnie both on their way there as well, I get the feeling that the wedding is going to be delayed by at least a few hours. I’m sure Mom Smith will have time to get ready.
And not forget a few other loose ends waiting to join the wedding knot, such as:
* Matt finally really meeting Bay again
* Honey learning Matt is her father
* Mary Smith hearing Honey call her “Grandma”
* Mary Smith hearing Honey call her “Great-Gran’ma”
* Pearl finally catching up with Crystal
* Trav realizing he has to grow up and be the Daddy
So I guess here is where Heather gets her hair dyed red to match the current page top?
If you look under the dryer, it looks like it’s already been done. Probably trying to distance herself from Bay’s likeness.
This was my theory as well. And now we’ve got the Bayfecta: Blonde, Brunette, and Redhead Bay!
Hey, when is Mom flying in from Ottowa? The wedding is today, and she’ll need to get ready for it too, shouldn’t she?
Well, with Crystal and Ethan wrapped up in Tom’s evil scheme, and Heather and Dawnie both on their way there as well, I get the feeling that the wedding is going to be delayed by at least a few hours. I’m sure Mom Smith will have time to get ready.
Wow, talk about mood whiplash lol
At least no one has switched bodies today…so far.
No one here really believes Morgan Fayette won’t crash the wedding, do they? And what about Robin? You know–Bay’s prospective sister-in-law?
Wow, I’d actually managed to forget about both of them. I wonder how they’ll play into the finale…
And not forget a few other loose ends waiting to join the wedding knot, such as:
* Matt finally really meeting Bay again
* Honey learning Matt is her father
* Mary Smith hearing Honey call her “Grandma”
* Mary Smith hearing Honey call her “Great-Gran’ma”
* Pearl finally catching up with Crystal
* Trav realizing he has to grow up and be the Daddy
Looks Ethan is going to be partly bifocal from here out. Unless he still got that new pair from the time of being in Honey’s body.
In my last, I meant
* Mary Smith hearing DAWNIE call her “Great-Gran’ma”