Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
Um… is that woman (who is presumably the so-far-anonymous accountant who was injected with the siren serum last time, as other commenters have mentioned) knee-walking toward the exit in the last panel?
Okay, I already didn’t like Tom, but up until this point everything he’s done, while bad and worthy of jailtime if this were real life, was more negligence and incompetence than anything else
But this?
Jail isn’t enough for him anymore, I will only be satisfied if this ends with him tg’d and kept as a thrall for the sirens (after Bay gets to beat him up of course)
I was thinking along the same lines but I believe being a thrall of the sirens is too good for him. Could we tg him and drop him off at a Cambodian brothel?
Is that the accountant Tom experimented on?
I wonder what she will look like once the serum finishes transforming him?
I like the hair color change effect too. ^^
Looks like they are in need f a new bookkeeper the last one is a little broken.
They also need better in-company oversight and security, to prevent this kind of thing from happening.
TG’ed, hair color change, and a possible lobotomy. That Siren Serum is a hell of a drug.
I think that confusion isn’t from the serum but from the other sirens “talking” to him.
Tom needs to be taken down hard.
Agreed. Completely agreed.
Um… is that woman (who is presumably the so-far-anonymous accountant who was injected with the siren serum last time, as other commenters have mentioned) knee-walking toward the exit in the last panel?
Crud. Tom’s experiments are having worse and worse consequences.
I already told you guys the serum could be working, just slowly. Don’t you read my posts? Shame on you.
I thought it went without saying that there was no way a possible TG would somehow not happen in this comic.
Looks like Ethen lost the left lens out of his glasses. Does this mean he can only see out of his right eye?
I’m really, really, really hoping Tom injected himself instead of waiting to see if his serum took time to take effect on the accountant.
I hope not, that’d be too easy a way out for him
He needs to face what he’s done, he can’t do that if his mind is destroyed
Okay… so… slow creepy lobotomizing transformation… that’s not creepy at all really lol
Okay, I already didn’t like Tom, but up until this point everything he’s done, while bad and worthy of jailtime if this were real life, was more negligence and incompetence than anything else
But this?
Jail isn’t enough for him anymore, I will only be satisfied if this ends with him tg’d and kept as a thrall for the sirens (after Bay gets to beat him up of course)
I was thinking along the same lines but I believe being a thrall of the sirens is too good for him. Could we tg him and drop him off at a Cambodian brothel?
Sell him into sex slavery? Dunno about you, but I’m morally against using such crude and inhuman methods to punish a person.
Instead I’d find disembowelment followed by draw-and-quartering to be a far more civilized way to handle it.
I suspect the one that will be accompanying Jade and Sapphire back to the Island will be Tom, memories intact.
That accountant is starting to go as batty as the bursar from the Disc World books.
In that case, we need some Dried Frog Pills.
Wonder how easily she’ll be ‘reprogrammed’ by whomever finds her.
I hope we see the finished version!
I ditzy bubble-headed siren sounds like fun!