Looks like Jo learned a thing or two from Honey’s attempt! Wow, this page has eight different characters in it! Is that a record?
Lookin’ good, ladies! If you’d like to see full-resolution pinups of the lovely ladies in today’s page, be sure to check out CD Rudd’s Patreon!
1092 : Age War
As an apology for messing up the comic number (at first), I’ve discovered and activated a new feature! You can now click the comic image to bring up a version with double the resolution.
I love Crystal’s reaction to Ethan’s pronouncement. I imagine she’s saying “Seriously??” in her head.
1110 : Chick Flick
Uh oh… So not only has Crystal dressed him up as a hot girl, but she’s taking him to a chick flick, too? Escape, Ethan! You’ve gotta get out of there! Your man card is in danger of being revoked[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
1133 : Salon Time?
They all look so beautiful. But especially Bay! Wow! And yeah, you better believe each of these fine ladies are available in high resolution on CD Rudd’s Patreon. And please note that since it’s paused right now due to CD’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry… Credits
I didn’t want to drag out the final comics with my hiatus, so I created some end credits for, which includes the epilog of the main characters. You’ll have to forgive me if it looks a little rough. I’m[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…