Filler: Neko’s Still on Vacation Jun15 by Robert on June 15, 2016 at 12:00 am Chapter: FillersCharacters: Robert I think she’s out tracking down that JJ guy… └ Tags: filler, Robert
I hope Neko will come back soon. I miss her.
Gee now I feel bad. 🙁
Oh don’t feel bad now… Neko will help you do that once she finds you!
so you didn’t care for the substitute? 🙂
Well someone has got to wear the catgirl outfit, and lookee here; a TG gun (slightly damaged, but I’m sure that wont matter).
Hey now… le- let’s not be hasty…
No Nekko? Ah, now what are we supposed to… Hey look a demonic duck!
What’s wrong with Katy or Lilly filling in?
You think Katy would do ANYTHING without Neko forcing it out of her? And Lilly’s probably busy.