Filler: 4th Wall – Part 1
Oh this can’t possibly go wrong…
CD Rudd will be out of town until September 1st, so this filler series will be running until then. However, there aren’t enough pages to completely fill the remaining time, so there will be a few release days over the coming weeks with no new comic.
By the way, if the skintones look greenish, try temporarily disabling F.lux. While editing this comic I finally discovered that it’s what has been causing the random greenishness for me.
Hmm, with the patch removed, the crack is likely to spread.
The crack in the fourth wall reminds me of the the “cracks in the universe” from the first Eleventh Doctor season.
I don’t have F.lux and they still look green.
Maybe something else is messing with the color temperature of your monitor? That’s what F.lux does, and turning it off completely cleared up the green.
Alternatively, he may just have the monitor incorrectly set. The reason color temperature is configurable with no “auto” settings is that there is no universally correct value – it depends on surrounding, mainly light source. It can even change with time of day.
That said, usually incorrect color temperature makes the image blue or red. Green is weird and suggest the image is incorrect and needs to be turned more red to compensate …
When I was messing around with some kind of fix, before discovering F.lux was the culprit, I discovered that upping the red values of the skintone colors made them look much better. So maybe the effect that monitor temperature is having is to wash out the reds, which could perhaps be caused by an increase in relative blueness? That’s just a guess based on my amateur understanding of RBG color, though.
Everything else looks just fine. SS and Jeanie Bottle always have weird skin tones.
The same when i print out various comics in colour.
Even on printouts? OK, that’s weird. I don’t have a color printer of my own to test that with, though.
I’ll continue to look into this.
Me too
is jeanie bottle down to until Sep too
No, Jeanie Bottle will not be interrupted. CD made several pages of JB over the weekend, before leaving on his training trip. That’s one reason that there are fewer fillers.
Must be the Flux capacitor. You just can’t get the parts these days
No – it’s a mistuned interocitor.
“Forth” ought to be “Fourth”
I shall go fourth and fix it at once!