933 : 25 Dollars Less
Sorry for the slight delay, folks. I edited this page back on Tuesday, but completely forgot to schedule it for release.
Sorry for the slight delay, folks. I edited this page back on Tuesday, but completely forgot to schedule it for release.
“I have an idea”
One of the scariest things you can hear in a story like this.
Right up there with “What could possibly go wrong?” and “What a cute kitty cat!”
they could buy it with credit and return it right after.
With their luck, even if they managed to switch Ethan and Honey back, the CPU would probably fry. Then they’d be hosed, anyway.
I’d rather have bad credit then lose a body 😛
Honey/Ethan will try to seduce some guy for the money?
will sell hair
Oh I certainly hope not. Honey would kill him for doing that.
I think so to.
I personally would like to see honey with a cute shorter hair cut.
You asked for it,
That was my guess a few comics back.
sorry if i am wrong but i think in the last panel i it should be “at least” not “as least”
Oh man, I totally missed that! Thanks for pointing it out; I’ll get it fixed ASAP.
Hey, I just noticed, CD’s Banner is now Xmas Themed!
Wow, I didn’t realize it but this comic has reached almost a 1,000 pages. You going to anything special if you reach a 1000 pages?
And I have to agree, the words I have an idea usually end badly…
A weird thought just popped into my head. Why isn’t Berry insanely rich? Since she is from the future, she should know a lot about what sports teams to bet on and which stocks to pick, that sort of thing.
Well does Bay seem like the sort of person who would think of that kind of monetary scheme? Besides, to make money on future knowledge, you have to have a decent amount of money in the first place.
Plus, how do you know Berry isn’t incredibly rich? If Heather’s family’s wealth hadn’t been revealed to us, would you think she’s rich? We’ve seen barely any of Berry, even compared to the relatively little we’ve seen of Heather.
Well in https://sailorsun.org/?comic=530-new-muffin-combinations-2 we see that Berry is working in a bakery as an employee rather than a manager, so that speaks against being so wealthy as to not need such a job. She may have a few hundred thousand banked (e.g. enough to buy and furnish a house with a little to spare), but she’s not “I can retire right now” wealthy like Heather’s family is.
Who’s to say that she was working that bakery job out of necessity? She wouldn’t be a typical stock-market millionaire, working hard to make that next big windfall. She’d have already made that windfall, and no longer has any more future knowledge by the time that scene happens. Maybe she just “retired” to a simple job she enjoys, to keep herself occupied during the day? We haven’t seen her working that job since then, so maybe she’s now filling her days hanging out with her boyfriend?
This is all just speculation, of course, and I’m really just playing devil’s advocate here. My side of this conversation boils down to “Look, it’s not very likely that she made herself rich from future-knowledge, but the evidence we’ve seen isn’t definitive proof that she didn’t.”
I’ll try to bring some light to this, without spoiling too much.
First, a little exercise, (without checking the internet or any other reference materials). Write down any teams who have WON games, by how much and WHEN they won. Do this for any games played for the past 5 years.
THEN check the internet to see if you were right on those games/teams/scores and dates.
Unless your a HUGE fan of a sport (which Berry/Bay are not, they are moderate fans) I bet the only games you can remember whom won are the big ones, Stanley Cup, Superbowl and what not.
Hence, it’s easy to say you’ll be rich betting on sports if your from the future, but unless you actually HAVE the stats. It might be a little bit harder.
Now, did Berry NOT take advantage of future knowledge…. Well… I wouldn’t say that. Let’s just say, she’s not as poor and hard up for work as Bay and Honey are.
One more point… The present and Berry’s old present isn’t the same. Reference, the comic when Berry and Trav arrived, https://sailorsun.org/?comic=860-whatre-the-odds-that-bay-is-working. Things are different.