552 : Bay’s losing it
Cameo apperences!
A return appearance by Jo from Cheer! by Tselsebar.
And a Cameo of Tiffany (Aka Titanium Maiden) (who Bay and Honey helped her find a Studio in the park). Heros of C.R.A.S.H is made by Joshua Winthrop.
Cameo apperences!
A return appearance by Jo from Cheer! by Tselsebar.
And a Cameo of Tiffany (Aka Titanium Maiden) (who Bay and Honey helped her find a Studio in the park). Heros of C.R.A.S.H is made by Joshua Winthrop.
OK … I would be with them … She’s loosing it!
Nice to see Jo. It would be nice if her own comic had updated more recently than 15 July…
Streamers! Why not balloons or candy? Or, just make it cooler.
You got to love the classic “everything has changed but only one person notices making them look crazy to everyone else” storyline. Can’t wait to see what else she’s going noticed has changed. (my guess is that the next big one will be her house)
And we are back at the studios where webcomic worlds come together! 😀
… and my guess on the next major un-remembered thing is the reason for said party…
I don’t think Bay is loosing it…it’s all a plot by the timelords to recapture Honey and return her Back to the Future…:)
Ps…Michael J Fox is still a Canadian, right???8)
I know Doctor Who showed up in a previous comic … maybe he is getting his revenge for being just a cameo appearance?
Maybe she isn’t losing it…
A:Honey’s hair style is majorly different.
B:Honey has a driver’s license.
C:Honey has a friggen HUMMER.
D:Judging by Bay’s reaction, we can assume normally it would not be safe for Honey to drive a car. Not safe as in dangerous to the other drivers.
E:She has a famous show that she didn’t have before hand.
F:Her previous job doesn’t seem to be there.
G:Look at the muscled chick and compare her to the muscled guy in the banner at the top of the page.
Things are changing and Bay is apparently the only one to notice.
C: Honey has a JEEP.
G: The muscley girl is a character from another strip; read the commentary.
Meh, I get a few details mixed up. I also don’t always read the commentary from time to time. o.o;;
YAY! for a pony reference. 😀