553 : Jo Learns her place
Until recently, the URL for the Titanium Maiden’s original comic was sadly misspelled. It has now been corrected, and you can find The Heroes of C.R.A.S.H at this finely crafted link. You can also find Cheer!, though it has been on indefinite hiatus for some time.
No Fair … Jo shouldn’t be type cast like that. I am sure she would be great as a … a … hmmm … you might have a point there.
How much time has Bay lost?
If I had to guess, I’d say no more than maybe six years.
Looks like a whole alternate reality to me.
bays like “you don’t say” LOL love that!
So if Bay is the star of a hit show, she has the money to take care of Brady, right?
uh… brady can’t go near honey and honey can’t know about brady.
something about a person overwrite.