1197 : Did She Pass or Fail the Test?
You know, this comic brings up a good point. Why have they apparently not come up with a totally universal, impossible to misinterpret mechanism for reporting “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” on these tests?
EDIT: I’m so sorry readers, I completely screwed up. This comic was supposed to be Wednesday’s comic, but I accidentally posted the following comic that day. So I moved the original Wednesday comic to today, meaning this scene actually takes place before the previous page.
I’ll fix the page order next week, so that future readers won’t get confused.
it’s ok Robert, these things happen all the time. as for Bay, the last panel reminds me of “The Lion King 2” movie. Bay: Pregnant? oy. *faints*
Everything is fine Robert, for once the plot still made sense in the last page even without this one, so it was a honest mistake, and even if the story did not progress today, Bay reaction is still worth it.
Also, I can´t get used to grumpy Honey and sweet innocent Bay.
Now, Bay… once you’ve actually given birth, we’re going to need to talk about condoms and why they’re useful.
That’s right! This will be the first of her three kids she’s actually given birth to!
Siren powers were involved. I wouldn’t be sure condom would save her.
Maybe it was Dave Berry or maybe not, but some very wise man put these extremely important words of wisdom in a book all men should read:
“totally universal, impossible to misinterpret mechanism”
The instructions outright tell you what the resulting symbol means
It’s not the product’s fault if you don’t read the instructions
You expect the average person to read instructions??
There’s a reason this “misreading the pregnancy test” trope exists.
I’m well aware of the trope
But if the problem is that people don’t read the instructions, then why is it that the product maker needs to do something?
It’s an accepted axiom of good User Interface Design that a symbol should be understandable, or at least unmistakable for something else, without knowing ahead of time what it means. A + symbol is clearly mistakable for an X, as this comic proves, which makes it a very poor UI element.
And to think, if they had only waited until after marriage, this would not have been an issue!
Well, considering that this happened because David got Siren-whammied, it’s not exactly fair to blame either of them for this outcome.
I forget a lot of stuff about this story, so I probably need to reread at some point!