1105 : Cola For All
The two ladies featured in panel 1 are Phoebe and Daphne from Puckcomics.com.
And by Berry’s reaction, I’m guessing she’s gotten over her lightweight nature.
The two ladies featured in panel 1 are Phoebe and Daphne from Puckcomics.com.
And by Berry’s reaction, I’m guessing she’s gotten over her lightweight nature.
1, I’m glad Jo is seeing someone from M.I.T. and 2, I wonder where Honey is?
The answer to #2 is coming Wednesday. When you’ve got four main cast members, four additional side cast members, AND an assortment of cameos, it’s not really feasible to feature every character on every page.
I see. just wanted to ask.
Sorry, that came off much differently than I intended. I meant no offense.
Considering that we have seen Bay’s blood alcohol content actually go up by a larger amount than she actually drank, I’d say it’s a good idea to keep her off of it.
Betting Heather gets wasted.
I’ll see that bet and raise you $5.00
Isn’t it fun to see triplets (of a sort) interact? ;D
It’s probably best if Bay stays off the booze entirely if what is suspected concerning her physical condition is correct.
So I’m not the only one who suspects that Bay and Berry are both pregnant.
I’d heard the “Bay is pregnant” speculation. But Berry? What makes you think that?
Apart from her somewhat cavalier attitude and the potential for “little accidents”, you mean?
2109: 6 Million Doesn’t Buy What it Used to, September 13, 2016, Upper Right Panel.
Compare this with a blast from the past from The Line, #408: The Plot Thickens, especially the first panel. And in the last panel of of comic #407, perhaps we see someone familiar sitting by Bay?
Ahh, I see. I had forgotten about that.
@Robert: none taken my friend. I was just curious. love the comics.
Please let this end in Heather just getting absolutely hammered.
Nice to see that Jo and Matt really did get together. Speaking of Matt, wouldn’t it be interesting if Matt turned up at this party?
Oh right! I’d completely failed to pick up on who Jo was referring to. That’s nice. 🙂
I guess appearing in one’s birthday suit in another’s mother’s flower shop is the way to get in a relationship.
I’m kind of hoping they do end up with alcohol, whever by accident or on purpose, them all getting drunk would end up hilarious.
The last time Bay suffered a bout of drunkenness (or roofie’ing), she wound up a single mom.
Sure that was the ONLY time?
It was the time that stuck in my memory. ^^;
I was actual referring to this comic,
Bay’s other time drinking
At first glance at CD’s comment above, I was thinking he was reminding us that Honey and Brady are both Bay’s kids. But since they are basically the same person timescooped at different ages, they have the same father and really have to have been conceived at the same time.
BTW, I don’t claim credit for “timescooped.” I was thinking of Timescoop a science fiction novel from 1969 by the late John Brunner. I read it in 1970 or 1971 and haven’t seen it since, but like any Brunner novel, it’s stuck with me. It involved a machine that could scan people from the past and make duplicates of them with all their memories up to the time they were scooped.
I just found out there was also a “time scoop” somewhere in the vast reaches of Dr. Who, but for now it it’s uncharted territory, at least for me.
Anyway, Brunner’s gadget seems to provide a perfect justification for why there can be two versions of Honey in the same time and space.
And yes, I’ve seen what happens when the same people from different times touch each other in Timecop.
Getting back to the reason I decided that CD might not be referring to Honey and Brady in his post above, there are two: Robert and Rachael. Their father is Cody, Auction Guy’s best bud–except Auction Guy is a girl in this timeline, at least in the local now. Maybe he got TG’d to replace Robyn?
Anyway, Robert and Rachael look to be about the ages Brady was when she got timescooped. So maybe instead of Matthew in that club on that fateful night, Bay was sitting next to Cody when that special drink kicked in. Or maybe Bay just zoned in on Cody because he was a muscular, handsome guy and why not? No roofie really required, especially with enough plain alcohol.
Oh man, I totally forgot that Bay’s time-whimey future son is named Robert! 🙂
That’s a complete coincidence, btw. I only started editing for CD a few years after that page was written.
Maybe Robert the intern is Bay’s time traveling alternate future timey whimey son….
Dunt, Dunt, DUNT!
Actually, your “Time Scoop” reference fits the Doctor Who definition pretty well, too. Most likely because Terrence Dicks, the writer of the episode the Time Scoop appeared in, was fairly well read in science fiction, he probably cribbed the idea from the same book.
Now I see you two, retroactively but I can see you two! EQG Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer in the background of panel 2!
Can’t believe it took me so long to add this… I’ll have that fixed! 🙂