1071 : Wedding Cancelled?
Whoa, was not expecting this.
Reference comics, since it has been a while:
The genetic reconstruction plan:
Bay’s sample:
Bay and Heather making a stop:
Bay at HRC before the prison trip:
Ethan checking Bay’s hat:
Ethan went to the 2nd step:
So I guess were nearing the end of the story then?
Because that’s what it looks like if that text is accurate….
I figure Bay decides to let it go and stay a girl.
Really? I personally think there’s gonna be both a Bay AND Brad before all is done.
I hope not. I From someone that has read OODLES of such stories over the last 2 decades, it almost never ends well (El Goonish Shive being one of the few instances where it did, and it took magical nose beep for that to work out) and I don’t see it ending well here. “Brad” and “Bay” would wind up resenting each other for what the other has. “Bay” would resent “Brad” for actually getting their original gender back. “Brad” would resent “Bay” for having the portions of “Bay”‘s life he actually liked, such as Honey, Bay’s friends, and possibly even Auction Guy. It may not be that way initially, but yeah. The grass is always greener on the other side…
Yeah, I’d go for that too. If they can transfer memories then they can copy memories.
@Ran-san Yeah, those were my thoughts as well, when I was editing this page. I wonder what’s going to happen…
The main reason it worked in El Goonish Shive isn’t the nose beep, it’s the fact Elliot is born boy scout. And Nanase.
@hkmaly Not really. Even after Elliot declared her his sister and took her in, Ellen was still, and in my opinion very must justified, showing signs of depression. Sleeping a lot, avoiding friends and family. (Dan has said he was originally planning to make this a major plot point, then later decided against it) And while Ellen and Nanase showed an attraction to each other, it wasn’t until 2-3 storylines after the nose beep that they became a couple. To be honest, it was most likely the pair of them that kept Ellen spiraling into a cycle of self loathing. However, it after the Second Life given to her by the Magic Nose Beep that she actually felt complete enough to be her own person, and not just ‘Elliot’s Female Clone’.
Murphy’s Law says that the genetic sample turns out to have been somebody other than Brad.
No, I think it’s the correct sample. I personally just expect Tom to screw this up somehow. HRC under Tom has SNAFUed 100% of all previous situations. I don’t see them breaking that perfect track record.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but wasnt bays personality adjusted so she would find men attractive? I couldnt find the comic but I thought that was revealed as the reason she gets so attracted to auction guy.
So even if she changed back to a guy wouldnt she still have the hots for auction guy?
I think it had more to do with her female body having female hormones. I remember one of the first things the new Bay did was go out, get drunk, and get pregnant.
I think the implication is that Bay wasn’t just drunk, she was roofied. Remember there was a plot to get her pregnant so she could have a daughter to play Chibi Sun?
“Something more than cola in that glass” the little note said…
You are correct. That was a byproduct of the HRC flashback storyline. One of the things Tom coded into her from “memory” after accidentally overwriting her with “Dixie” was an attraction to strong guys. If they’re just going to transfer or transscribe Bay into the new body, that personality would be “as is”, so yeah, all of Tom’s mods would carry over.
Before Bay goes and tells Red her former gender – Red might want to tell her his name 😛
…been a long time since ’06…
This is going to make for a whole lot of confusion and long explanations later.
Transfer implies duplication. Brad and Bay may be possible. After all, we already have two Bays (Berry) and two Honeys (Brady).
There’s also that sticky implication that Bay might be pregnant again.
All this talk about Brad has got me thinking. Is it possible that before “Brad” disappeared, Robyn was his girlfriend?
I don’t think so. Robyn was hired after the Brad to Bay shift so she never had a chance to know Brad in story.
Actually I realized there’s another issue – Bay isn’t fully Brad (cause of a certain INTERN messing up the helix. If there’s a vote for most morally lacking person in webcomics, then he’s got mine.)
Have you forgotten that Honey messed with the helix? That’s why Crystal was finally created.
mnmega is referring to https://sailorsun.org/?comic=974-so-thats-where-it-comes-from
Compared to Tom’s meddling, Honey’s foul-ups are a drop in the bucket.