Bay Smith is a main character. Once a guy, she was turned into a girl several years ago. She keeps this fact a secret, and only a handful of people know.
She's now a struggling actress whose roommate is actually her daughter from an alternate future timeline.
That would be more difficult, since you’d be getting randomized sets of half of Brad’s genetic pattern. Although, depending on how sophisticated the reconstruction mechanism is, and the specific characteristics of his transformation, it might be possible to take cells from Bay, edit them to replace one ‘X’ chromosome with a ‘Y’ chromosome from such a sample, and grow from there.
But I expect any cells you’d find from that would be long dead and deteriorated to uselessness by now.
Is there, like, a timeline or something for this? Was this event between events we’ve seen in the story, or is it before? Was Honey around? Because shut down at the start of the series, so…
I don’t think the actual shutdown of SailorSun has ever been portrayed on any timeline, just how Brad got changed into Bay, how Bay got pregnant (at least one version of Bay), and why Robyn is still mad at Bay. And all of these parts of the backstory weren’t revealed in until well after this webcomic began.
And since the first page of this story arc begins showing two Bays at once at the forthcoming wedding (some time before I die of old age, I hope), we might expect at least one more Bay to show up. Perhaps the mother of Robert, Rachael, and Berry (and isn’t creepy that the blond Bay has renamed herself for her own alternate’s daughter?) The Auntie Robyns might have a hard time dealing with that…
Lily Haddix - Good detective, yada yada yada, you get the drill
So… the first few comics, where Bay and Honey are desperate as they can’t get work because SailorSun has moved or something, where would that be on the timeline?
Even though the cover is tagged for Heather, both the Bays have Bay hair. In all but two of the other comics tagged for Heather, Heather’s hair has been different. One was the flashback where Heather was playing Sailor Sun in a road show or something. The other was one of the alternate timelines Berry went through in Timey Wimey.
Oh, I suppose Heather had Bay hair in those nude photos that turned up, but I can’t be sure. Maybe we’ll actually see one of those someday…
I may be wrong, but wasn’t Heather first introduced after the Chapter 10 cover page? I’m guessing the cover has always been a bit of a fake-out, getting us to think “Wow, why are there two Bays there?”
Nope, Heather’s first tag is back in Story 4. I’m not going to re-read everything before that this morning, but I’m pretty sure “Bay’s sister” is mentioned before that. However, I will admit the obvious: In the tagged comic I just cited, Heather does have Bay hair.
I suppose the cover could turn out to represent Heather (or Berry) impersonating the real Bay because the real Bay just showed up at her own wedding…
Tissues in a waste basket, perhaps?
That would be more difficult, since you’d be getting randomized sets of half of Brad’s genetic pattern. Although, depending on how sophisticated the reconstruction mechanism is, and the specific characteristics of his transformation, it might be possible to take cells from Bay, edit them to replace one ‘X’ chromosome with a ‘Y’ chromosome from such a sample, and grow from there.
But I expect any cells you’d find from that would be long dead and deteriorated to uselessness by now.
Is there, like, a timeline or something for this? Was this event between events we’ve seen in the story, or is it before? Was Honey around? Because shut down at the start of the series, so…
That’s a good question. I’m sure CD can answer it, but I’m afraid I’m not familiar enough with the timeline to do it myself.
I don’t think the actual shutdown of SailorSun has ever been portrayed on any timeline, just how Brad got changed into Bay, how Bay got pregnant (at least one version of Bay), and why Robyn is still mad at Bay. And all of these parts of the backstory weren’t revealed in until well after this webcomic began.
And since the first page of this story arc begins showing two Bays at once at the forthcoming wedding (some time before I die of old age, I hope), we might expect at least one more Bay to show up. Perhaps the mother of Robert, Rachael, and Berry (and isn’t creepy that the blond Bay has renamed herself for her own alternate’s daughter?) The Auntie Robyns might have a hard time dealing with that…
So… the first few comics, where Bay and Honey are desperate as they can’t get work because SailorSun has moved or something, where would that be on the timeline?
I’ve always been under the impression that the “second Bay” in the cover of Chapter 10 was Heather.
Even though the cover is tagged for Heather, both the Bays have Bay hair. In all but two of the other comics tagged for Heather, Heather’s hair has been different. One was the flashback where Heather was playing Sailor Sun in a road show or something. The other was one of the alternate timelines Berry went through in Timey Wimey.
Oh, I suppose Heather had Bay hair in those nude photos that turned up, but I can’t be sure. Maybe we’ll actually see one of those someday…
I may be wrong, but wasn’t Heather first introduced after the Chapter 10 cover page? I’m guessing the cover has always been a bit of a fake-out, getting us to think “Wow, why are there two Bays there?”
Nope, Heather’s first tag is back in Story 4. I’m not going to re-read everything before that this morning, but I’m pretty sure “Bay’s sister” is mentioned before that. However, I will admit the obvious: In the tagged comic I just cited, Heather does have Bay hair.
I suppose the cover could turn out to represent Heather (or Berry) impersonating the real Bay because the real Bay just showed up at her own wedding…
Why do I get the feeling that the sample would not be a good match for Brad’s previous body from the way Bay is presented in that last panel.
litterly -> literally
I’m surprised nobody caught that already.
Does it seem like the majority of tech guys or gals are part nekkonoid? The males seem to be more cat like than the females though.