1033 : Dawnie Would Make an Awesome Overwatch Character
On yesterday’s comic, dragonstorm made a very pertinent comment. CD Rudd decided to see what that would be like.
On yesterday’s comic, dragonstorm made a very pertinent comment. CD Rudd decided to see what that would be like.
Trav, you shouldn’t tell lies like that.
Trav, in Texas “them’s fighting words.”
yes they are.
lol Right, and most people don’t like having coffee in the morning.
Quick question, did CD Rudd make this page because of my comment, or had this been the plan all along?
Very rarely do I make comics or alter storylines based on comic comment.. I do read them, but rarely do I alter or add comics based on comments.
That being said… THIS comic is one of those RARE times. 😀
That is so AWESOME!! Thank you for the extra page. I just hope it did’t interfere with your schedule too much to get this page ready on such short notice. Your the best CD Rudd.
It’s a filthy lie Dawnie. Just for that, turn him into a chicken.
The only people that like guns more than Texans are people from Wyoming.
It’s probably a good thing that Trav stopped Dawnie before she started shouting “DIE!” in her Siren Command Voice.
Trav is smarter than he looks. 🙂
Who’s that in the background giving them the ol’ stink eye?
You’ll see on Friday.
The way Teri looks in the last panel, Dawnie may have to use her powers on the animal welfare people.
At least Teri got a break when Dawnie was firing the gun