Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
I’m curious about some of the jobs partially covered by speech bubbles or cut off at the edges. Can we get the source image? The circled job in the second panel is presumably a shout-out to the Simpsons, the circled job in the third panel is obviously a shout-out to Sesame Street (though I don’t know why Crystal would circle it, since she hasn’t shown any signs of being able to communicate with cookies, which is listed as a requirement). The job below the circled one in the fourth panel is probably a shout-out to Mythbusters. Are any of the others shout-outs to other works?
I hate job hunting, period. I’ll stay with a bad job as long as it pays like some will stay with an abusive bf/gf because they feel there’s nothing else out there for them. Jobs are different, most places I’m overqualified for, I’d still prefer, as mundane, boring work gets me through the day. I see it as being paid to excersize. Too bad I don’t drink, do drugs or speak Spanish, or I’d have them beating down my door to work for them. o well.
Only a dummy wouldn’t want to swap with Crystal.
especially since that was the one job she had experience with already.
Debbie, if you do not hire Crystal, all your flowers will die. Word.
I’m curious about some of the jobs partially covered by speech bubbles or cut off at the edges. Can we get the source image? The circled job in the second panel is presumably a shout-out to the Simpsons, the circled job in the third panel is obviously a shout-out to Sesame Street (though I don’t know why Crystal would circle it, since she hasn’t shown any signs of being able to communicate with cookies, which is listed as a requirement). The job below the circled one in the fourth panel is probably a shout-out to Mythbusters. Are any of the others shout-outs to other works?
AAAUUUUGH! I hate that part of job hunting!
I hate job hunting, period. I’ll stay with a bad job as long as it pays like some will stay with an abusive bf/gf because they feel there’s nothing else out there for them. Jobs are different, most places I’m overqualified for, I’d still prefer, as mundane, boring work gets me through the day. I see it as being paid to excersize. Too bad I don’t drink, do drugs or speak Spanish, or I’d have them beating down my door to work for them. o well.
Very good comic. I enjoy these sorts of “silly hidden messages if you look closely” things. 😛