Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
Dawn is David with the Siren gene. It causes David to take on the appearance of an extremely attractive, green-haired woman, with all the abilities of a Siren.
Translation: Oh my God! What did I do? what did he do? how could this happen? what am I going to do? Honey will kill me! I am going to kill Ethan! can I change back now? I will make Ethan change me back then I will kill him! Can I get pregnant? What will my parents say? My life is over!! Oh crap! I am late for class! What will I wear? Oh God kill me now!
All in random order.
Who, or what could it be? The sirens??
green hair and a tight pink shirt i am not sure it will look good with his skin complexion but i guess we will see.
Better be nice to Crystal she has a whole wardrobe that fits you.
I like Crystal’s Shirt
Translation: Oh my God! What did I do? what did he do? how could this happen? what am I going to do? Honey will kill me! I am going to kill Ethan! can I change back now? I will make Ethan change me back then I will kill him! Can I get pregnant? What will my parents say? My life is over!! Oh crap! I am late for class! What will I wear? Oh God kill me now!
All in random order.
Sounds about right.
If it were me in David’s place it’d be all that plus “Someone find me a bridge!”
Better late for class than late for something else!
Maybe Crystal should offer to trade shirts?
**Ouch!** I was just kid** -oof!
wait a second… why is the text in the last bubble different for David/Dawn? I didn’t think he/she had the ability to not use the siren song.
Why isn’t the last line in Siren-font?