Ah poor Marks, overhearing this right when he needs to keep his cool. Also, nice multi-colored bouquet there–much more visually interesting than having a bunch of all-the-same flowers.
The whole point is that, whatever he’s imagining (or we’re imagining) is NOT what Bay and Honey are talking about.
TVTropes calls it “,a href=”http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InnocentInnuendo”>Innocent Innuendo“; a classic example is this Misfile page and the two after it. (Of course they’re working on the car. What did you think they were doing?)
What has been seen in the mind’s eye cannot be unseen.
Would you want it to be?
It was then that Bay realized she needed a bigger fridge.
Ah poor Marks, overhearing this right when he needs to keep his cool. Also, nice multi-colored bouquet there–much more visually interesting than having a bunch of all-the-same flowers.
At this point he’s thinking: “WTF am I getting myself into?”
This comic is worthless without pics…
Just think, what you imagine is probably better then what he would draw.
The whole point is that, whatever he’s imagining (or we’re imagining) is NOT what Bay and Honey are talking about.
TVTropes calls it “,a href=”http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InnocentInnuendo”>Innocent Innuendo“; a classic example is this Misfile page and the two after it. (Of course they’re working on the car. What did you think they were doing?)
That or it’s exactly what he (or we) are imagining, just not the way he (or we) imagine it.
It could be something as simple as the refrigerator or something as complex as a very sleek low-cut evening gown. (I’m betting on the gown. ;-p
Regardless, they had better let him in before he gets broken more and they really can’t repair him. 😀
One Broken Date at the door! Please let him in and reformat his mind if he is supposed to be any good tonight!
Now Mark is green hued like Bay.