561 : Stevie in the House
Steve the narrator appears again… (Sorta).
For those who don’t remember who Steve is. Steve is Bay’s former co-worker at the Fan fiction studio and one of the few people who know Bay was formerly Brad.
Steve last appeared in Story 6 : Glamor Slam
I don’t mean to be rude, and perhaps Bay had a slip of the tongue or isn’t familiar with the difference between the words, but in panel four I think she meant to say “doctorate” rather than “doctrine”.
its steve the awesome narritor…. i think their is a way to make the story better just a suggesting but im hopping to see steve’s face or somthing like that and not just a speach bubble,
I find it hilarious that even after all this time, even though Steve is a real person and a coworker of Bay’s, he STILL appears above-panel.
This is not going to end well 😀
Argh forgot to add that I bet it is Bay’s arch-nemesis Morgan, either that or Robyn 🙂
I was wondering where he went.
There’s a tale of my grandfather hanvig a somewhat similar experience. He was out driving one afternoon, as he often is for various errands, and started feeling a sharp pain in his chest.Being a responsible and mature adult, he therefore pulled over to the curb, calmly and safely, and found that the pain didn’t subside. Naturally, he presumed he was experiencing a heart attack, so he called up my grandmother (a rare thing, his phone is notoriously turned off most of the time) and informed her of the situation.Now, most people when experiencing a heart attack would think to call an ambulance or get someone to drive them to a hospital. My grandfather is not most people. Instead, as he told to my grandmother plain as day over the phone, he intended to start the car again and drive himself home and just have a lie down.Understandably my grandmother did not think this was the best of plans.