Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
Theory time, Berry has the hots for David right now, but she still is in love with Trav, so she may try to convince him to swap bodies with David and turn him into her “perfect” man.
Also, Berry is still Bay at the end of the day, so convince may be a fancy way to say force.
There is going to be some swapping going on it seems. My one question is this, will the device be able to hold up to all the stress it has been under lately?
Did the article for guessing AG’s name just get locked? It was unlocked just yesterday and I was *just* about to finish my full reread and make my guesses…
I wish there had been some indication of when it was going to close.
@Robert: Well, if it happened unintentionally but can’t be undone, will I still be able to post my guesses somewhere?
Edit: Just saw C_Prime’s comment. I’m gonna try again. But when I tried earlier, the form was there and I was able to type, but once I hit “post” it told me the comments were locked.
@NotShuttingUp ignore me, I just check, last time this happen a couple of weeks ago I couldn´t even write a comment, now I can write them but then it doesn´t let me post them, so I am in the same situation as everyone else.
Also, fuck it, my actual theory is that his name is Barry, I left a reason of why in the post, but is lost now and I am not writing it again because I know it´s wrong.
Damn it, C_Prime, that was going to be one of my guesses! lol
Reasoning was Berry was the name of Berry’s alternate future baby with Cody, and she questioned where the name came from, which makes me think Cody got her to pick it in tribute to his best friend (who was TG’d in that universe). I have to guess you had a similar theory?
Also, my other guess (just so I get it out before anyone else can) is Jeeves, which is a random name Honey drops when freaking out about getting the wedding stuff ready.
Word by word that was my theory, so far it´s the best one I have, but unless I find someone say Barry somewhere in the comic I doubt it, the only reason why we are in this name hunt after all is CDs promise that the name has been mentioned before in the cannon.
Theory time, Berry has the hots for David right now, but she still is in love with Trav, so she may try to convince him to swap bodies with David and turn him into her “perfect” man.
Also, Berry is still Bay at the end of the day, so convince may be a fancy way to say force.
There is going to be some swapping going on it seems. My one question is this, will the device be able to hold up to all the stress it has been under lately?
Oh gosh, I hadn’t thought of that.
I was only wondering about the guys until the final panel questioned if the brain swapper is still with the girls or not.
He did bring it out with him(3rd panel), but it vanished in the last panel in the previous page.
You know, it’s possible that David remembered that the kitties needed unswapping.
…yeah, I kind of doubt it, too.
So… is there going to be a Friday comic this week?
Sorry. Been backlogged this week. PLus there’s a scripting issue I need to sort out
Did the article for guessing AG’s name just get locked? It was unlocked just yesterday and I was *just* about to finish my full reread and make my guesses…
I wish there had been some indication of when it was going to close.
Unless it actually closed Jun 17th…? The comments are all listed in May, but I thought that was just a website error…
I feel like an idiot now.
Hmm, I’m not sure why the comments got locked. And I’m not sure how to unlock them either. >_<
Thats odd, for me they work fine… though I have re-read half of the chapters now and I have still no clue, so no comments on my part.
@Robert: Well, if it happened unintentionally but can’t be undone, will I still be able to post my guesses somewhere?
Edit: Just saw C_Prime’s comment. I’m gonna try again. But when I tried earlier, the form was there and I was able to type, but once I hit “post” it told me the comments were locked.
@NotShuttingUp ignore me, I just check, last time this happen a couple of weeks ago I couldn´t even write a comment, now I can write them but then it doesn´t let me post them, so I am in the same situation as everyone else.
Also, fuck it, my actual theory is that his name is Barry, I left a reason of why in the post, but is lost now and I am not writing it again because I know it´s wrong.
The post is locked automatically after so many days of being open.
I manually adjust the date of the post to re-open it.
I’ve done so again so the thread should be re-opened for comments. But This will be the last time, as I can’t keep taking guesses into the wedding.
Thanks for that, CD!
Damn it, C_Prime, that was going to be one of my guesses! lol
Reasoning was Berry was the name of Berry’s alternate future baby with Cody, and she questioned where the name came from, which makes me think Cody got her to pick it in tribute to his best friend (who was TG’d in that universe). I have to guess you had a similar theory?
Also, my other guess (just so I get it out before anyone else can) is Jeeves, which is a random name Honey drops when freaking out about getting the wedding stuff ready.
Word by word that was my theory, so far it´s the best one I have, but unless I find someone say Barry somewhere in the comic I doubt it, the only reason why we are in this name hunt after all is CDs promise that the name has been mentioned before in the cannon.
lemme guess, no Monday comic?
Sorry. Been busy with real world things
Do what you need to do, man. Dealing with the real world sucks sometimes, but it’s the only place to get a good meal around here.
Happy Birthday, CD!