Pink haired siren girl. She was unintentionally created without a personality by Honey, when she broke into the HRC. After Honey left, Crystal was completed and allowed to leave the HRC.
Electronics University student. Attends the same school as Honey and David. He is Crystal's love interest, but is so shy as to be nearly oblivious to her affections.
…. This seems like a bad idea… What with Crystal being a Siren, and Bay is being enchanted… This just sounds like it would result in her using the Siren voice to control the others to get what she’s been enchanted to want.
Swapping Crystal with David might have the unintended affect of bringing back Dawn. That, in itself, might work by removing David from the equation. Honey would then have to explain a beautiful green haired woman as her boy friend.
Crystal: “what’re you looking at?”
Seriously, Ethan, you need to add some other tricks to your arsenal. ^_^;
I happen to like his arsenal just fine. 🙂
I think that he just needs to apply it more effectively, and precisely. I know a few misogynists who could benefit from a body swap.
He’s a one-trick pony, one trick is all he needs . . .
Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?
I wouldn’t break out the cigars just yet. This is a C.D. Rudd production, after all . . .
Yeah. And one of these days, one WILL!
When has that ever happened here?
I have to wonder how this will effect Brad since he is also under the influence of Morgan’s sinister plot.
And it’s possible that Berry is, too. We haven’t seen her in a few weeks, but she was also looking for David the last we saw her.
Yeah, replace Bay (or David) with a siren for a few minutes… absolutely nothing can go wrong with that, amirite?
…. This seems like a bad idea… What with Crystal being a Siren, and Bay is being enchanted… This just sounds like it would result in her using the Siren voice to control the others to get what she’s been enchanted to want.
This definitely won’t backfire.
Swapping Crystal with David might have the unintended affect of bringing back Dawn. That, in itself, might work by removing David from the equation. Honey would then have to explain a beautiful green haired woman as her boy friend.
Queue the benny Hill music as this back fires majorly and there stuck with a 3 way swap for longer than bargained for.