1126 : Siren to the Rescue
Uh oh…
Addendum: Sorry about the late post, folks. Watching the Dodgers with my parents, as they kick butt against the Astros in the World Series, is stealing all my free time.
Uh oh…
Addendum: Sorry about the late post, folks. Watching the Dodgers with my parents, as they kick butt against the Astros in the World Series, is stealing all my free time.
it’s ok man. as for Pearl, how is anyone gonna break the bad news to her?
That’s a good question…
Was Pearl in cryogenic stasis or do Sirens age slowly/not at all?
Another good question! I don’t believe that’s been specifically stated, yet. My guess is that Sirens are either unusually long lived, or there’s something special about Siren Island that keeps its inhabitants alive, or time runs slower there, or something.
If that is so, and given that most Sirens seem culturally insulated from the outside, it may not have occurred to Pearl until now that most Men have a lifespan of ninety years or less, and thus that Gregory would be near the end of his life after she had been absent forty years.
Alzheimer’s doesn’t just erase memories, it kills you eventually. The oxygen tank and the IV kind of says “eventually” isn’t far off for Greggy-Poo.
This puts a snag in the plotline, maybe. Pearl is a master of controlling men, but that’s her only power. How’s she going to save Dr. Gregory? Whatever she tries, it doesn’t seem likely to involve anyone in the rest of the cast because they’re all in New York State now (or maybe approaching it if Mary Smith’s plane hasn’t landed yet.) Pearl and the love of her life are in London, England. Just getting Dr. G on a plane would take a lot of luck, and keeping him alive for the flight, more luck. And why would Pearl try to take him to America? London does have some pretty good doctors.
There’s no evidence in this comic that Pearl knows about Crystal, or that Dr. Gregory ever knew about Crystal. Crystal was created after Dr. Gregory left the HRC facility where Tom works. There’s no evidence in this comic that Pearl cares about the defective clone Sapphire and Jade went on to America to search for.
Any suggestions how this is going to work out?
Well this isn’t going to end well…
I wonder how she will react when she learns that there isn’t a way to save him?
I mean if he is that far gone, its only a matter of time before Greg takes the big sleep.
I agree with all three of your points. This is even sadder than my idea that Pearl would find his grave in the garden.
Plotwise, though, how is this going to connect with Pearl eventually meeting Crystal? I think either Dr. Gregory should have a moment or two of clarity, or that Crystal finds something like his dairy, or maybe a letter from Tom with a picture of Crystal?
I would wager Pearl finds out enough about Crystal that she starts to think of Crystal as her and Gregory’s daughter, and seeks her out.
I thought this might be the case. 🙁
I guess Pearl doesn’t know that much about the human world…
If only there was a company that can almost magically manipulate DNA.
After clicking on gregory, I now understand why I’ve never heard of him.
The HRC probably has his DNA on file along with Pearl’s. If she can get him to HRC she can stick him into a vat and redo the age thing. The other sirens will help her.
I actually work in an assisted living home
If he’s so far gone that he doesn’t even respond to the world around him, why the hell is he outside unsupervised?!
There is no seatbelt on that wheelchair, that’s is a MAJOR fall risk!
These are the kinds of things an author doesn’t think about, since he doesn’t work in such a place, I suppose.
Worst part is things like are actually pretty common in real life
Some people working as such places don’t actually care about the patients, they treat it like just another job, I’ve seen this in both crappy state-run facilities AND in fancy privately owned ones
Yes, that could work. Maybe. IF Dr. Gregory’s helix is on file, and IF they have a braintape of his personality and memories from when he had a personality and memories.
BTW, if HRC can do all that at a per-unit cost that’s not NASA expensive, they could turn out any number of copies of any person with a younger, fitter body and all the skills of the original. You know, like Palpatine copied Boba Fett to make the clone army.
It was Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas who contacted the Kaminoans to create the population of clones that would become the Grand Army of the Republic, using genetic material from the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Part of the deal with Jango to supply his genetic material was for the Kaminoans to create a clone that would be raised normally as his son, Boba.
(I totally knew all that, too, because I’m a huge SW dork. Can’t wait for Ep 8!!)
Poor Pearl – now she’s gonna learn how sirens age different from humans.