More Epilogues to come
Yes, that’s right. is NOT quite over.
I have plans for at least 3 more epilogues. Sadly I couldn’t finish them prior to departing. I’m hoping to get them done when I get back (briefly in September), but no promises on that.
What to do in the meantime?
Well, 1st you can sign up for the Hiatus Email notification list (to the right of the blog). Whenever Robert posts new content on, We’ll notify all those who sign up (And that’s the only thing we’ll be using this Email list for).
2nd, you can follow me on Deviantart and Patreon. Any epilogues will be posted there as well any new Neko Co fillers.
3rd, Teri plushies…. I’ve Closed Teri plushie ordering for now. Check back in March.