Super Bowl 50 Filler
Who are you guys rooting for to win the 50th Big Game? I’m a Steelers fan, but they didn’t make it, so I’m rooting for the Broncos.
Who are you guys rooting for to win the 50th Big Game? I’m a Steelers fan, but they didn’t make it, so I’m rooting for the Broncos.
I hope they both lose.
I hate feetball.
I call the stupid sport “Sportsball”. It doesn’t deserve it’s current name.
Yeesh, what’s with all the negativity against football?
Personally, my dislike of sports is mostly just disinterest, but with football it goes a bit further: It’s just so undeservingly popular and I hate how obsessed people get over it. There are other complaints I could make, but I don’t want this to turn into a rant.
Replying to Robert, I just don’t think it should be as popular as it is. ALSO IT STOLE SOCCER’S REAL NAME.
Don’t think of it as a “dumb sport” (it’s not) curated by immature teenagers abusing their relative strength.
See it instead as a live-action, turn-based RTS. Like Wizard’s Chess, it’s bloody brilliant. There’s all this strategy and statistics underlying everything, and if you can see it it becomes magical and mentally engaging. Plenty for nerds to love.
If you took all the greatest tactical minds from history and put them in the present-day US, they’d all be football coaches. Bill Belichick is basically the reincarnation of Napoleon Bonaparte.
lot’s of strange people out there. You know the ones that think soccer is a sport. 🙂
Also, a lot of us fans are “nerds” who got picked on by the “jocks”, and thus learned to associate “athlete” with “bully”.
Ah damn, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m 120% nerd, but I went to a high school that didn’t have sports (it was a science and technology magnet school, and we had no sports field). So I have no experience being being bullied by jocks, and completely forgot about that entirely legitimate negative connotation against football.
Yeah, I went to the local public high school, that being the only local non-religious high school that was going to accept students of my family’s income bracket. I got all of the stereotypical “mugged for my lunch money” ,”thrown inside of a locker’, “had my stuff stolen and/or destroyed just for harassment’s sake”, etc. And of course the school’s star athletes were protected by the Powers That Be, so they never got punished even for stuff that would have gotten me arrested by the police had I tried it.
I’m holding out for the Bears as a long shot.
I would say hip more than ass.
Win or lose i hope the “girls ” are good sports, because Trav looks like he wants a party after the game. You know that kind of party.
Trav looks like he can “handle” some 2 on 1 plays.
Notice that Trav’s hand is a bit lower on Berry than it is on Bay.
Super Bowl Babies 🙂
it’s Monday but, where’s the comic page?
I decided to post the Superbowl filler on Sunday (in lieu of the game being on Sunday) instead of Monday.
Should we question how they are having a shared dream?
If Bay was really having a shared Dream, I doubt she’d be so calm.
According to Ranma 1/2 the person that falls asleep first controls the shared dream.
Here’s how much i care about football
Who won the halftime show
Ok, for all those who are upset I made a Superbowl filler and they aren’t superbowl fans…
Here’s the thing,
1) I’m not a football fan myself, I DO watch the superbowl, but more for the socializing aspect vs the game itself.
2) I like drawing the girls in hot cheerleader outfits… so this gives me the perfect excuse to draw then once a year in as cheerleaders.
Ref : Other Superbowl Fillers
Hey it’s a great and clever filler. Don’t let others issues become your issue.