I’ve had a pretty busy weekend and haven’t had time to make any comics. So instead of leaving you all with NO update, I decided to post something I’m currently working on. This is the second Gun Girl Sketch, featuring Bay. The first was with Honey (and is often seen on Melvin’s room wall)
Very nice so far, though I’m a bit confused. The weapon she is holding looks like it’s supposed to be an m4 but it has an m249 scope on it. Plus the area beneath the scope seems to be bulging making me think it’s a magazine pouch (not sure on name was always told pork chop) making me think M249 again. Regardless if it is an m4 please consider changing the scope to an acog.
Maybe that’s just how Canadians do it?
Having been a machine gunner in the Army, as well as the AT-4 carrier ( us big guys often get the heavy weapons), I’m pretty sure Bay is more uncomfortable than confident. ‘sides, no-on carries ammo belts like that anymore as the come in much easier to carry 200 round boxes.
Also, the only time I ever used a scope on machine gun was when my Platoon Leader thought It’d be a good idea to mount a Starlight scope onto our M2 .50cal; was walking around with a black eye for a few days after the first time I tried it. :-/
Oh man, I don’t even want to think about how horrible it’d feel to have a .50cal recoil right into your eye…
ok, Now I feel the need to point out 3 things…
1, It’s a sketch… Not yet done, so there are somethings that will change before the final product.
2. Ref the machine gun and sight, I draw your attention to the Canadian, C9A1, equipt with the Elcan C79 3x power optical sight. (Since Bay is Canadian after all)
Ref, http://www.canadiansoldiers.com/weapons/lightweapons/lightmachineguns/c9lmg.htm
3. Ammo Carry… True that Ammo is easier to carry in the 200 round boxes… BUT… isn’t it sexier for a hottie like Bay to wrap it around herself?
You have made your point. Yes, yes it is sexier that she is all wrapped up in ammo belts. I’ve got no complaints about the type of scope she has attached to the C9A1. I apologize for my American countrymen, we tend to get snobbish when it comes to firearms. We like our guns down here.
Well said.
Not trying to be offensive, but I have been around Machine Guns a little more then the adverage Canadian Citizen.
BTW, how’d the volcano Repelling with Seko go?
It went well. I lost my footing on the first jump down and got a little banged up, but I had a good grip on the rope and regained my stance. I took it a little slower from there. Seko is amazing when it comes to repelling. She is so light on her feet and very nimble. She really needed that break from work to relax and unwind. She was very kind to let me tryout that massage technique I picked up in Hong Kong. I think she ended up sleeping until noon the next day. We’re probably going to try camping out and hiking a few trails at Worlds End State Park in Pennsylvania next time.
Hey, it’s not snobiness. After you serve for awhile, you stop going, “That’s a hot pinup”, and start going, “You’d think the art director would’ve done a bit of consulting before shooting film; that looks all wrong.” It gets to be an ingrained reaction; makes enjoying military movies more difficult as well. 🙂
You make a very good point. I tend to catch more of those kind of flaws as well. Especially in that Captain America Civil War movie where they called M4s AR-15s. The AR-15 does not have a burst or an automatic setting, all be it they both can use the same rounds.