Ams is an alternate future version of Teri. He is from the same timeline as Honey. Ams cosiders himself a cat-cassanova and often spends time in that pursuit.
Well, yeah, but alternate future versions of yourself doesn’t count. Maybe past versions of yourself do, but hey, I once stabbed a past version of myself and nothing happened.
Teri is lucky he didn’t get hissed at.
Adorable kittens get mailed to Abu Dhabi.
Annoying kittens get sent to Vietnam.
Is that a Garfield cartoon reference? Wow, I haven’t seen that show in YEARS.
Um, Teri? Ams is an alternate future version of you. That means that YOU get turned into a female. (Cooties!)
Well, yeah, but alternate future versions of yourself doesn’t count. Maybe past versions of yourself do, but hey, I once stabbed a past version of myself and nothing happened.
It’s the pregnancy hormones obviously; Ams new mother instincts and all that lol
awwwww its just so adorable
Sorry this I not about it a great webcomic by the way just wondering wen wolfpac will start been dieing to start reading it??
Wolfpac will start after ends. And with Bay and AG’s wedding on the horizon, I’d say that will be fairly soon.
in panel 1, it’s “let me try to explain this one more time…”
Ugh, how do I keep missing these obvious typos?? So embarrassing.
it’s ok man. breathe. and if i may ask, where is the next page?
The fact that Teri is the past Ams I feel like he is extremely smart. I think is so smart that he is able to play dumb correctly.