642: Now we know why
Sorry for the delay in getting this comic out. I had a busy weekend and am projecting a busy week. So Wednesday comic will probably be delayed as well.
This comic refers back to a comic that made a lot of people upset. Back in comic 546(in the last panel) I had originally had a US custom agent stamping his face with a ‘duh’ expression. The goal was to set up for this comic, which shows the US custom’s agent being dragged away (Yes I have been planning this for quite some time).
Some readers were thinking I was taking a shot at the US Customs, US Immigration, and Homeland security, etc…etc… Instead of a huge having a huge debate/arguement which may end in losing readers, I changed the comic, took away the stamp and left him with a blank expression instead of a ‘Duh’ one.
So this time, before anyone gets up in arms and says I’m trying to undermine the US customs, Homeland security or make a political statement of some sort. I’M NOT!. I’m just explaining how Bay’s illegal status was discovered. And please, no one start correcting me on US immigration procedures. I’m sure there are lots of loop holes and condition, situations and rules that aren’t being utilized in this comic and story… I’m not an immigration expert or official. I’m just trying to get a story out.
As for Brady’s guardianship, you may remember back in comic 232, Bay referring to Aunt Heather’s parents. Who’s last name is Rego.
(Rego was the original last name I was going to give Bay and Honey, but decided Smith would be better, since it’s more generic)
“Eight year review of your entry status.”
Sadly, that’s just about how incompetent the American government has become…
I’m curious if Brady and Honey will ever meet each-other… or if either even know the other exists. Funny how their names are the same but reversed.
I find it interesting that apparently nobody has noticed that that visa was issued to one Brad Smith – male, and that they are now dealing with Bay Smith, indubitably female.
If exiting and re-entering the the US would have re-set the clock (which it sounds like he’s saying), does her jaunt back home when she had amnesia not count?
So does that mean in the future Heather will be Bay’s sister in law?
Heather IS already Brad/Bay’s twin-sister since they was Born
Wait really? But that’s not right? Heather started out as the love interest for brad when he was working on the webcomic movie thing.
err not love interest male lead. and she talked about brads looks not at all the way a sister would.
For some reason I was thinking of Morgan -_- I’m an idiot. Could you link me to a page with Heather? I can’t recall what she looks like.
uhhhh…she look like the 100% copy of Bay.But if you really want to know How Heather looks like,here is the page which I know to have her.(Seriously it is hard to search all 642 pages so I only post the one I already know)
Heather has been talked about more then she’s been seen.
She’s appeared in Comic 189, Comic 560, and most recently in Comic 602, as baby.
Heather is Bay’s twin sister. More WILL be revealed about her past during this storyline.
The only real difference between Bay and Heather (physically) is Bay’s bang ussually covers one eye due to her parting her hair above her left eye. Heather parts her hair in the center, so ussually both eyes are visible. More recently (Ref Comic 560), Heather’s hair style has changed from Bay’s style (but then again, it is an alternate timeline version of Heather).
Welp, she’s screwd
And I can’t spell screwed
You should make a page with bio’s for all the characters.
Oh, aching sides…that was so hilarious!!!
And CD, if anyone doesn’t realize this is a COMIC, and not LIFE, they can go read a newspaper. If they want something to REALLY gripe about, they should read SSDD, and get megaflamed by the artist.
Seriously, the story is great, and I’m havin a laugh riot waiting for the next ones, yer doin a great job, don’t let anyone hammer you down for it.
Super Star Destroyer Deluxe
(I’m sure that’s not what he meant.)