Bay Smith is a main character. Once a guy, she was turned into a girl several years ago. She keeps this fact a secret, and only a handful of people know.
She's now a struggling actress whose roommate is actually her daughter from an alternate future timeline.
How did he know that sending a note saying “Slow Bay down” would result in her hair growing the way it did? His comment in the first panel might almost seem to indicate that he hasn’t been “hopping realities” with Bay, but that his alternate versions are all in on the plan to screw with the timeline nonetheless…either that or this is just poor storytelling.
Bay needs to let up that poor fellow needs some fresHair.
What kind of conditioner has she been using to make here hair that strong?
Hummmm Red Aint to smart is he. Just does not learn that is his problem.
Why am I thinking of the movie “Tangled”?
The episode “Let Down Your Hair” from “Grimm”, more like.
…And if he doesn’t talk, she can always make a fortune at a local wig shop.
Now that he deserved.
How did he know that sending a note saying “Slow Bay down” would result in her hair growing the way it did? His comment in the first panel might almost seem to indicate that he hasn’t been “hopping realities” with Bay, but that his alternate versions are all in on the plan to screw with the timeline nonetheless…either that or this is just poor storytelling.
Theory: He has been “altered” along with the timeline.. “making you grow that long hair” meaning as a course of being employed?