1202 : Cake 911
Apologies for the delay on this page, folks. Various factors conspired against us to get this comic out in a timely manner.
Apologies for the delay on this page, folks. Various factors conspired against us to get this comic out in a timely manner.
Pages like this make me go back to a very old joke from Cleo and ask, what went wrong in Honey´s timeline to turn cute little Teri into Ams?!
At least Ams may be a good mother from now one. And that would make Teri the “big brother” figure of his alternate timeline kids? Time travel is weird in so many levels.
Will Teri try to keep Bay and the Auction Guy from eating the cake after the actual wedding is over and its time to cut the cake?
Its going to be awkward for them if that’s the case….
Better watch out Teri, Kazom’s lurking!
Uh, not only is Kazom in another webcomic, he has the hots for Melvin’s mom. Plus Teri is underage, even for a cat.
I think you may have read further into NotshuttingUp’s comment than he probably intended.
take a real good look at that last panel
It’s Kazom the cat actor, who plays/played Kazom the genie in I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle and The Melvin Chronicles , enacting his evil plan to ruin Bay’s wedding! Until Morgan’s evil plan and his interact, ruining both on a level not seen since 80s cartoons went off the air!
But seriously, why is Kazom there? Just for kicks, or is there an actual reason?
Not just in the last panel. Also the first.
@He Who Abides now I have a mental image of Kazom as a cliche villain from an old serial drama interrupting the vows of Bay at the last second during the wedding, with some melodramatic story of him being her ex or something.
I don´t know if I should be mad at you for giving me that idea or if I should be thankful instead.
Yeah, I missed Kazom last night.
@C_Prime – you can be both. I don’t mind.
Gee, at least one thing isn’t going to complicate this wedding: Honey’s real father is driving back to M.I.T.
Or is he?
He is.
it’s ok that the comic was delayed. I’m glad i got to see it on my birthday.
Happy B-day!
thanks man.
Happy b-day!
I meant to do that… yea… [shifty eyes]
it’s ok man, I still love the comics.